It had a very light brown hue on both its back and underbelly. its eyes were pure black, with piercing emerald pupils. he couldn't tell how long it's massive tail but it had to be about 3 feet in width.
Anaconda, Angel, Anthro, Anthropomorphic, Beautiful, Belly, Black, Boa, Bondage, Brown light, Captive, Constricted, Constriction, Cute, Encase, Encasement, Enclosed, Fetal, Fluff, Girl, Hug, Kiss, Kissing, Lick, Licked, Licking, Living, Love, Massage, Membrane, Monster, Mother, Pleasant, Plush, Rock, Serpent, Silky, Sister, Sleep, Sleeping, Slurp, Smooch, Smooching, Smothering, Snake, Snuggling, Soft, Soft vore, Tight, Trap, Trapped, Worm, blissful, coil, creature, embrace, encased, fluffy, friendly, fur, furry, gentle, glossy, hold, holding, imprisoned, nuzzle, nuzzling, older, pillow, pillows, plushy, position, prisoner, rocking, rub, smooth, squeeze, squeezing, squish, squishy, throat, vore, warm, woman