The Gourmand

Taking a drink of the salty water he took a second, even larger bite of the state. slowly, bite by bite, tombfyre removed florida from the map. he found it delicious, with just a hint of oranges in the background.

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Hungry for Attention

Bobby opened his muzzle and took a big bite of the cookie he was fed, chewing and swallowing it, before taking a second bite.

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Paraskepite- Chapter Eleven

This parasite seemed to take over and control the mind of the host and make it either bite or kill others.

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Day X: Heartless (End of Jake Right's Story)

Jake felt the bite were the infected person bite him slowly numb itself and throb. david got a role of tape and started to tape around the bite to keep blood from leaking out. jake then got a spark of an idea. "the snake bite saved me!"

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Paraskepite- Chapter Fifteen

"not that i know of, they all complained of animal bites and human bites." dr. ami said as he read over his notes. "so it was transmitted by the bite? maybe in the saliva?"

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His Destiny (part 2)

Too bad i missed but we were face to face again, i thought: if he is too fat for using bite what i can use ? i easyly dodged when he threw me a shadow ball and i thought: right shadowball!

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Second Chances : Chapter 9

"no i won't sleep tonight, uh-oh i want some more, uh-oh what are you waiting for, take a bite of my heart tonight, uh-oh i want some more, uh-oh what are you waiting for, what are you waiting for, take a bite of my heart tonight," as i sang i leaned my head

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FnaJ: Title anounced and more!

After the bite of '87 over at freddy's, two eager, millionaire want-to-bes design a ice cream parlor to pick-up the customers that will no longer go to freddy's (because of the bite) but it would look like any possibility for tragedy is taken.

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The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 4 - Training

Don´t bite me!" " hold still you mousebrain! he saved you with this bite!" black tooth meowed loud back, letting the apprentice stop moving. " r.... really?" he asked after he had gathered some thoughts. " really!

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The Whole Hog

The hands seemed to notice this, too, as there wasn't a single bite of food brought to him for several moments.

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Focusing On Food

bite after bite sends icing and cake down their throat, fast and enthusiastic at first, but after a minute or two they slow down, and start to enjoy rhythmic motions.

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