What Remains - A Personal Treetop Inn Story

Some might think it's bipolar. some might think it's clinical depression. i don't know what it actually is, just that it happens. this doesn't attempt to justify my behavior, but it does kind of help explain it.

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The Purple Space Caterpillar - Part 1

At least that was where he detected a lot of activity while she changed his mood back and forth like he had some extreme case of bipolar disorder. and that is what transpired during those two or so months before they finally ran into problems.

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Midline Shift 38 - Amongst the Geth

"sounds like bipolar disorder." "nah nah not like that, this is intentional, like someone rewiring your brain to cause different emotions in people.

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The Inner Animal

To me, her style was very bipolar. to her, it must have been comfortable. the only thing that was actually in order was her crimson red hair that was cut to a moderate size and curled at the end.

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Transforming Tommy

"and when the button is pushed it gives off a bipolar current of electricity. perfectly harmless." billy touched the button and tommy felt a warm, buzzing tingling in his balls, which wasn't unpleasant but certainly got his attention.

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