Root Directory

An unlit port, which usually meant an inactive link, except _this_ one had a barrier! a one-way, single-connection transfer route, with no data emerging into the stream. a dead-end, or a way out? floating closer, root pinged the barrier.

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Of Dragons, Demons, and Forbidden Places.

"i have a barrier spell around the forest that keeps all impure beings out. the only way to breach the barrier is to be lead in. your trail of blood has been cleaned away...the demons can't find this place."

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Consortium 1-2: Shipment of Nothing Chapter 8

Even still they encase themselves in a strong barrier and after seeing him do this anon wraps another barrier around that.

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Chapter 1 – First encounters

As the monsters began to hammer away at the barrier and soon cracks could be seen all over the barrier and twilight screamed.

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Chapter 36

The remaining students shook their heads, either out of energy or needing to stay behind to feed magic to the barrier. "let's go, then." the group stopped at the edge of the barrier closest to where karrington had spotted the horde.

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The Tomes Of Malderon

Malderon sung at the general, but it invevitably stopped when it hit the magic barrier. gabriel appeared from behind and attempted to stab the general in the back to break the barrier, it also failed.

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An Experiment Gone Wrong? CH.5 (Rewrite)

With the recent robots in the ruins, you able to go through the barrier, and now with the possibility the barrier might not work like we thought.

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Intro - Unrequited Lovers

Activate the beast's penetration barrier. level 3. perimeter, approximately 160 acres." a middle aged voice responded with slight static to it, "level 3 with that much land? containment no doubt. it will be activated once you've enter the barrier."

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Transformed Struggles- 6

"what about the other barrier thingy?" i ask, remembering the one he was just talking about but also the other barrier. "that one is more for the sake of the community once they have grown up.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 92

"attack team and barrier teams!! positions!!" he ordered, getting a nod from both groups.

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In Utter Darkness: Chapter 3: New Developments

I saw my blood flow slightly up its arm before stopping and it quietly left my cell, reengaging the barrier and leaving me with a hole in my shoulder.

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Poem #82: Bleck

#83 of poetry this is a poem about sickness, and also about trying to overcome the barriers in your life. enjoy. please comment, fave, and like!
