For The Love of a Hybrid: Prologue
bandit was breathing hard and his eyes were wide, as he entered the damp, dark alley.
Chronicles of Lunaria: Chapter 1
Before the bandit could even move wyth was in front of him his fist plowing into the bandit's face. the bandit flew backwards through the air blood flowing from his mouth.
Luna And Thief Ch 4
That voice made both their fur go on ends, bandit was already awake and aware, and stared from the sofa she laid down upon "yes bandit..." thief spoke with a soft tone. "a- and i'm ready to go for this gym badge!"
Dust and Spit - A J. Cole Hawkins story
Another crack of thunder and another downed bandit.
Dark Growlithe - Chapter 8
bandit chased a rattata and caused a raticate to attack." "bandit's always a problem. i can't get him to listen. get well, i'll try talk to him," said steam as he left the cave.
No Frills: Kiroku / "Bandit" of the Coyos
As a result of all of this however, bandit went out of his way to avoid leadership in the city. in the current day, bandit works as a typesetter in new salem.
Luna and Thief, OI Ch 19
It made bandit giggle, seo felt the urge to reply with her own, but the laughter had been caught against her lips. bandit had pushed her maw up "i was already enjoying it."
The bandit said. "then all bandits happened to be at caravan at same time?" arc asked. the bandit shrugged. "sure looks like it." nyx closed her eyes and started to pinch the bridge of her nose.
Becoming Tundra***Chapters 3 and 4
Moments later, bandit was next to him and whining lightly. the pack howled with laughter as snow began to taste the blood in his muzzle. he slowly opened his eyes and looked over at his friend. bandit was in just as bad of shape as himself.
The Forge of Heroes - Trials
The bandit lunged in again, and kar'na barely dodged. he couldn't keep this up, and they both knew it. the bandit stabbed downwards at kar'na, who slipped out of the way and redirected the knife into the bandit's own leg.
group therapy Part 5
"i'm bandit." said. "and this is group c... if you're feelin' formal. if you ain't, then this is the home of bandit's boys."
A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 43 (Inner Demons - Part 1)
Taking off at full speed naruto desperately tried to catchup with the group of bandits.