Burdens - Chapter 40: Ripples in the Pond
Chapter 40: Ripples in the Pond They day had gone and a new one had arrived. The fox woke up at the same time as he normally did and he was grateful for it. He did not like to lose precious hours of sleep. He attributed it to the anxiety he felt in...
Burdens - Chapter 39: Calm
Chapter 39: Calm It was dark outside. The night was still; even the air was stagnant. Was it just calm weather, or would a storm follow? Roger had been lying beside Hunter. He had not fallen asleep, and convinced himself that even if he wanted to, he...
Burdens - Chapter 38: Assuage
Chapter 38: Assuage "When you find... well, when you..." the wolf began. There were words, but there was also hesitation. He seemed to know what he wanted to ask, but it looked like he was trying to find the best way to say it. Roger looked at him,...
Burdens - Chapter 37: Study
Chapter 37: Study The day proceeded normally. Roger had merely attended the classes in body, but his mind was elsewhere. It was fine, he believed. He knew all of the material. He needed not listen to all the lectures on things he already knew about....
Burdens - Chapter 36: Trials
Chapter 36: Trials It had been a moment's deliberation, but his answer was final. He nodded slowly, almost as if he were giving himself time to change his mind, but he knew it would not change. He looked at the skunk and said clearly, "Yes, he'd be...
Burdens - Chapter 106: Grating
Chapter 106: Grating When the fox opened his eyes, there was but darkness. At first, he thought he had been blinded, but when he looked around a little, he realized that it was merely dark. Had it not just been light outside, though? What time was...
Burdens - Chapter 102: Smile
Chapter 102: Smile Roger did not fall asleep next to the wolf. He attempted to, but sleep never came. Instead, he laid there with his eyes shut, trying not to focus on the things that were causing him stress. The biggest issue that pulled at his...
Burdens - Chapter 101: Prepare
Chapter 101: Prepare The morning found a bed with only but one in it. The figure stirred but did not wake fully. Roger had snuck out of the bed an hour earlier. He had wandered about the house and found that it was empty. His parents were starting to...
Burdens - Chapter 99: Oasis
Chapter 99: Oasis Roger and Hunter arrived at the fox's house a little after than what was normal for them. He had wanted to take a little more time just to walk with the wolf. After he had found out that others had begun to be interested in the...
Burdens - Chapter 98: Possession
Chapter 98: Possession There was but one more round of practice for the week, and then the fox could have the wolf all to himself. It was that idea that at least he entertained himself with in his head. Roger sat on the bleachers as he had done...
Burdens - Chapter 97: Consideration
Chapter 97: Consideration After the initial few days, the storm quelled. It was not a degradation of Roger's feelings for the wolf, nor was it the opposite. Rather, all of the suppressed emotions had been let out for the most part, though of course...
Warning! Read this first: Don't know why I need to warn you. If anything, this is yiffstar, you shouldn't be here if you're under the legal limit. If you don't like near-death and/or death, don't read this, though it shouldn't be much of a problem...