Invention of the Week Special: Fan Mail Edition!
Hello everyone! Well, probably not everyone just the people watching this. It's the lab rat Amelia! And today I have a don't actually have anything. You see I complete forgot to make something this week, well, maybe laziness is a better...
The Springs (Husky Mermaid TF/TG) [TRADE]
Kyle was someone who was more often not trying to play into the "bad boy" role of life. He was somewhat full of himself and that didn't exactly make him a bad person. At the end of the day he always did what he thought was right. One could argue he had...
A Very Vinomath Christmas (Various TF/TGs)
Arriving one arriving to the Christmas Party hosted by none other than Amelia the Lab Rat! Over the course of her post-human life she had met quite a few humanoid animals like herself, in some cases she had made them that way! In others, they helped...
Davey the Dog's Dazzling Debut! (Anthro Fox TF/TG)
Amber had just arrived at the grand opening of a new theme park. Normally, she wouldn't be too interesting in something like this, but considering it was identical to a story she had written over a year ago there was no way she could say no! The name...
Celebration of a Lifetime (Various TF/TGs)
_Disclaimer: The following story is a compilation of many mini collaborations featuring a wide variety of transformations. They all are un-connected but with the same central theme. Thank you all for 3 years!_ **Vinomath and BlackDragonTFArt** I...
A Different Kind of Costume Party (Pokemon TF/TG)
Halloween had always been a favorite holiday of mine, since I was a little kid it was always up there with Christmas and my birthday. Deciding what I wanted to be each year, trick or treating, watching Nightmare Before Christmas without it feeling out...
A Last Minute Choice (Anthro Blaziken TF/TG) [COM]
Jack was en route to meet up with his best friend, Tommy. Jack was skinny, shy, and if he got angry a fuse would go off. This wouldn't happen too often, but when it did you didn't want to be near him. On the other side of the spectrum was Tommy. He was...
Transformation Prevention Hotline (TF)
Are you or a friend afraid of a potential transformation coming your way? Do you know someone about to go through a transformation they might regretting? Like cheese? Of course you do it's great, but wait! In this day and age that cheese could change...
Happy Husky Park (Anthro Horse TF/TG)
Jack walked up to the park with excitement filling up his whole body. He had finally saved up enough to buy a ticket for this place! He had so much about the "Happy Husky Theme Park" and was finally able to make the trip out. Since he was in Washington...
Delibird Day Care (Totodile TF)
Larry was a Pokemon trainer, fresh off of a hard fought gym battle. It was his first one ever, and all he had was his trusty Cyndaquil, Blaze. It took a lot of practice and grinding, but they were able to come out on top! Larry decided that they should...
A Dragon's Treasure (Dragoness TF/TG)
Jeffsworth walked down the stone path on the search for a shop. He was hungry, thirsty, and needed more supplies all around. He had just looted a cave and while he came out of it was treasure a plenty, it left him with only his sword and shield....
This Doesn't Make Sense at All! (TF/TGs)
The lights on the stage lit up, giving off a nifty and exciting light show as spotlights shone all over. As one of the spotlights shone on a man on the left side of the stage, an male announcer spoke. "In the Red Corner, we have our first contestant,...