Invane: Chaotically Rescue
Invane: Chaotically Rescue We all gathered at the front door. Believing for sure that our dragoness was inside. As such, Haziyo and Horizoki were afraid of getting in. Mainly because of the darkness that awaits for us inside. With our eyes...
Venturing: StoryFox
Venturing: StoryFox "We got problems!" Kyro exclaimed over the walkie while I shifted my attention to it before grabbing it from my waist, raising it up towards my face before pressing upon the button. "What kind of problems do we have, over?"...
Venturing: Calling Music
Venturing: Calling Music "Surprise that there is a package already at our front door." I heard Yang spoke out loud to herself while her eyes darted to the front door. I blinked and turned towards her, "Are we expecting a package?" "No. I did...
Invane: Rear Fret
Invane: Rear Fret "So, dark clouds ahead." I responded before turning my attention towards my pack. They looked at me in silence before nodding their heads, getting up onto their feet and started marching forth to the direction of where that...
Venturing: ConPartrate
Venturing: ConPartrate "We are out." I heard Kyro replied, a smile escaped his lips as his claws released from the doorknob in front of him. The door opened as wide it could, allowing ourselves out from our prison. We escaped into the fresh...
Invane: At nuater
Invane: At nuater I yawned. Another typical boring morning with nothing to do. I swear, it was almost like a cycle beyond this point. To the point that the author had decided to become lazy with his stories and not write them at all. I let off...
Venturing: Working Class
Venturing: Working Class "I cannot believe we have a new guy coming over." Zander chimed, trying to start a conversation despite the silence surrounding us. Half of us nodded our heads in agreement while the so few stayed silent and stared...
Invane: Having Fun
Invane: Having Fun The sun had decided to rise from the horizon and peaked through the windows. Sending its rays down upon Horizoki and Haziyo whom woke up first. Thus as they yawned, they opened their eyes and blinked for a few moments. Ears...
Venturing: Midsun Frax
Venturing: Midsun Frax The rain falls upon our heads as we gathered ourselves upon the doorsteps of the targeted building. We gazed at the opened door, noticing quickly how pitch dark it was inside that it was nearly impossible to see anything...
Venturing: Gonna Dough
Venturing: Gonna Dough "Great! I am starving!" Kyro said as we entered through the doors. We felt the cold blast of fresh air washed down upon us as we entered. Gazing upon our surroundings with the chattered behind us. I smiled only faintly...
Venturing: Five Inlock
Venturing: Five Inlock Underneath the midnight skies, we found ourselves upon a campsite. With only five cabins surrounding us. I stared onto each of them and reflected a frown towards the rest of my unit as they stayed in silence. With the...
Venturing: Storing Habits
Venturing: Storing Habits We had arrived onto the scene of the crime. We landed upon the cold grounds beneath us while folding our wings, we turned our attention towards the store in front of us. None of us had said anything in the past hour...