"Sweet shitty spectral neutralizing _nullfire_," Caden swore. "The huge rock is still intact even after it smashed into the side of the mountain, and now it's rolling down towards them."
"That doesn't sound good at all," Glecion replied.
Action, Adolescent, Adorable, Adventure, Amputee, Avaeria, Blind, Blindfold, Character Development, City, City of Wings, Cub (clean), Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Epic, Excursion, Exploration, Eyes, Field trip, First Time, Fledgling, Flight, Flying, Friendship, Scavenger Hunt, School, School outing, School trip, Small, Teenager, Teenagers, Young, cripple, danger, disabled, expedition, friend, friends, imagination, outing, slice of life
Glecion and Caden continued up the hiking trail. By now they had climbed a considerable height away from the flat plateau of this floating mountain. Atlas and Jarzyl had moved ahead, but their chatter was still occasionally audible from further up the...
Action, Adolescent, Adorable, Adventure, Amputee, Avaeria, Blind, Blindfold, Character Development, City, City of Wings, Cub (clean), Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Epic, Excursion, Exploration, Eyes, Field trip, Fledgling, Friendship, Scavenger Hunt, School, School outing, School trip, Small, Teenager, Teenagers, Young, cripple, danger, disabled, expedition, friend, friends, imagination, outing, slice of life
Jarzyl excitedly bounced up and down on her paws as the park rangers issued more equipment--helmets made from a stiff but lightweight fibrous material, some of which also came with attached neck guard flaps. "Make sure you get the right size. You want...
Adolescent, Adorable, Adventure, Amputee, Avaeria, Blind, Blindfold, Character Development, City, City of Wings, Cub (clean), Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Epic, Excursion, Exploration, Eyes, Field trip, Fledgling, Friendship, Scavenger Hunt, School, School outing, School trip, Small, Teenager, Teenagers, Young, cripple, disabled, expedition, friend, friends, imagination, outing, slice of life
As they got even closer to the numerous floating mountains of Mizalin-on-Sky, the airship's smooth journey became increasingly uneven.
Jarzyl clutched onto the edge of her seating cushion as they were jolted from side to side. Being given free gifts...
Adolescent, Adorable, Adventure, Amputee, Avaeria, Blind, Blindfold, Character Development, City, City of Wings, Cub (clean), Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Epic, Excursion, Eyes, Field trip, Fledgling, Friendship, School, School outing, School trip, Small, Teenager, Teenagers, Young, cripple, disabled, expedition, friend, friends, imagination, outing, slice of life
Jarzyl flicked her wing open and waved it above her head to get the attention of her teacher. Drak Taslin noticed the gesture and glanced to her, from where he was seated by the side. "Yes, Jarzyl?"
"Do I still have to keep sitting down?" Jarzyl...
Adolescent, Adorable, Adventure, Amputee, Avaeria, Blind, Blindfold, Character Development, City, City of Wings, Cub (clean), Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Epic, Excursion, Eyes, Field trip, Fledgling, Friendship, School, School outing, School trip, Small, Teenager, Teenagers, Young, cripple, disabled, expedition, friend, friends, imagination, outing, slice of life
* * *
Caden was still lazily licking her scales clean even as Jarzyl scampered up to her. "Why are you still sitting down? Adventure awaits! Let us _assemble_!" Jarzyl exclaimed.
"It's all crowded and messy, so wait a minute. Let me finish grooming,"...
Adolescent, Adorable, Adventure, Amputee, Avaeria, Blind, Blindfold, Character Development, City, City of Wings, Cub (clean), Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Epic, Excursion, Eyes, Field trip, Fledgling, Friendship, School, School outing, School trip, Small, Teenager, Teenagers, Young, cripple, disabled, expedition, friend, friends, imagination, outing, slice of life
_This was supposed to be a quick, sweet, short story, but it turned out to be about ten times as long as I planned (which is fine by me). Here's chapter one, which features an overly excitable young dragon on the verge of a school excursion. _
Adolescent, Adorable, Adventure, Amputee, Avaeria, Blind, Blindfold, Character Development, City, City of Wings, Cub (clean), Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Epic, Excursion, Eyes, Field trip, Fledgling, Friendship, School, School outing, School trip, Small, Teenager, Teenagers, Young, cripple, disabled, expedition, friend, friends, imagination, outing, slice of life
* * *
Jarzyl dozed off at some point in time. What dislodged her from her late afternoon nap was a gentle prodding at her shoulder, coupled with the repeated sound of her name. "Jarzyl. Jarzyl. Jarzyl Mintaka. Wake up, _Jarz_!"
"Ahrng?!" A firmer...
Adolescent, Adorable, Adventure, Amputee, Avaeria, Blind, Blindfold, Character Development, City, City of Wings, Cub (clean), Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Epic, Excursion, Exploration, Eyes, Field trip, Fledgling, Friendship, School, School outing, School trip, Small, Teenager, Teenagers, Young, cripple, disabled, expedition, friend, friends, imagination, slice of life
_Second last story! Thanks everyone who's been reading._
* * *
Jarzyl shrugged out of her flight harness, and she folded in the various pouches and straps so that she could place her harness in a wide but flat wicker basket. The rest of her...
Adolescent, Adorable, Adventure, Amputee, Avaeria, Blind, Blindfold, Character Development, City, City of Wings, Cub (clean), Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Epic, Excursion, Exploration, Eyes, Field trip, Fledgling, Friendship, Hot spring, School, School outing, School trip, Shower, Small, Swimming, Teenager, Teenagers, Young, bath, cripple, disabled, expedition, friend, friends, imagination, outing, slice of life, soak, swim, water
_(6,996 words)_
Atlas stood atop a concrete rooftop, with his wings spread wide open. For a moment, the young dragon held the pose as if he was about to leap into flight, but then he used his tail to wipe the floor so he could sit back on his...
Adolescent, Adorable, Amputee, Babysitter, Character Development, City of Wings, Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Drake, Family, Fledgling, Food, Friendship, Hatchling, Home, Innocence, Music, Short Story, Small, Teen, Teenager, Teenagers, Teens, Young, babysitting, cripple, friend, friends, slice of life
_(8,303 words)_
* * *
Jarzyl took a moment to prepare herself, then she jumped through the entryway. Sliding down the curved walls, she stepped towards the middle of the chamber and then turned sideways, just in time to see the doorway slide shut...
Action, Adventure, Character Development, City, City of Wings, Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Drake, First Time, Fledgling, Flight, Friendship, Hatchling, Hug, Scales, School, Sky, Stunt, Tail, Teenager, Teenagers, Wind tunnel, Wings, Young, exercise, learning, sports, stunts
_Just another clean, wholesome, minor little tale._ (_4,696 words)_
* * *
"_Boom_!" There was a deep thud as a drum was struck, and the referee raised their head and spat a jet of firebreath skywards. In unison, twelve young dragons moved forward...
Adolescent, Adorable, Amputee, Avaeria, Character Development, City of Wings, Cub (clean), Cute, Dragon, Dragoness, Drake, Fledgling, Food, Food Play, Friendship, Horns, Outdoors, Short Story, Teenager, Teenagers, Young, competition, festival, fruit, play, race, slice of life