Jade's Story Part 3

Chapter 4 "Archer could you take Jade to the doctor for me, he needs his flu shot." Archer's mom said, handing Archer the keys. "Sure thing mom." Archer replied, he headed upstairs to Jade and Justin's room, the little kitten sat on the floor,...

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A New Addition to the Family Part 1

Jade awoke and looked around, he couldn't remember were he was. "Ooh my hewd" Jade said, holding a paw on his forehead, he looked at his paw. "Blood!" Jade exclaimed in fear where an I? He wondered, he looked around he was in a dark alley leaning...

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Doctors visit

Jade snuggled into Archer's arms as the fox carried him into the office, Jade's ears and tail flicked nervously. "It's ok buddy." Archer whispered, scratching him between the ears. Jade only whimpered in response. Archer knew he didn't like the doctor...

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Jade ran down a long corridor a red carpet ran down the center and scary paintings lined the walls every now and again split up by a torch on the wall casting menacing shadows around the halls. Jade's fear was overpowering as he ran, he wanted to curl...

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Hide and Seek

Brutus nocked on the door and waited, a few moments later Archer opened the door, Brutus waved at his parents as they drove away before walking into the house. "Hey Brutus how have you been?" Archer asked, leading him to the living room where Jade sat...

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Justin's Origin Story

Archer awoke and walked to the living room and sat down on the couch, he picked up the remote, but immediately put it down again as a knock was heard at the door. "Coming." Archer walked over to the door and opened it, he looked around before looking...

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Naptime Nightmare's interuptor

Jade ran down a corridor, he remembered this nightmare so he turned and saw the door he new there wasnt a floor but it was the only path he knew, he pulled the door open and stepped through. he fell through the darkness once more but when he landed in...

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Dream Friends

Jade sat on the porch, in his red onsie, staring out into the forest. He was working up his courage to venture beyond the porch. Finally he got up and toddled off the porch and into the forest. Jade explored for about an hour before deciding he wanted...

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Jade's New Home

Archer pulled up outside of his home, his new brother slept soundly in the back. Archer stepped out into the moonlit driveway, he opened the back car door and unbuckled Jade, he carried the sleeping kitten inside. Locking the door behind him he...

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Dreams of Adventure

Brutus sat on a mighty steed, he held his sword at the ready. "I won't be beaten by a bunch of old bones!" The Army of skeletons faced Brutus and his best friend, the green eyed Archer named Shadow. Shadow lifted his bow at placed three arrows on...

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The Nightmare of Nightmares

Jade awoke, his third morning in this place, but this time something was off. . . He looked around and his eyes stopped in the plushie. "Good morning Jade, oddly enough we're alone currently." The plushie said, standing up. "So no pawents?" Jade...

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Something Horrible

Jade awoke in his crib and hugged his Charmander plushie, looking around as Archer lifted him from the crib. "Hey buddy, good morning." Archer said as he carried Jade to the changing table. "Gwood mowning awchew." Jade replied as he was changed....

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