Jade's New Home

Story by DarkBlade51224 on SoFurry

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#2 of Jade and Archer's origin

Archer pulled up outside of his home, his new brother slept soundly in the back. Archer stepped out into the moonlit driveway, he opened the back car door and unbuckled Jade, he carried the sleeping kitten inside. Locking the door behind him he silently carried Jade upstairs to the room soon to be turned into Jade's room. Archer sat in a chair and cradled the sleeping kitten, listening to Jade's rythmic breathing.

Archer stayed like that all night and when Jade began to stir he still hadn't gotten any sleep.

"Good morning little buddy." Archer whispered as Jade opened his eyes, only murmuring sleepily in response. Archer got up and Jade snuggled closely to Archer. Archer walked to the kitchen and made a bottle of formula Jade stayed curled in his arms the whole time.

A couple hours Later a knock at the door announced the arrival of the the crib and changing table. Archer set up the new furniture, while Jade sat on the floor playing with toys.

Archer finished and lifted Jade into his arms, a warm feeling came over him as the kitten snuggled into his arms, he carried Jade downstairs and sat him on the couch.

"You wait there, I'll get you a bottle." Archer said with a smile.

"Otay." Jade replied, curling up on the couch. Archer headed into the kitchen and pulled a baby bottle from the cabinet, setting it on the counter, Archer pulled the formula from the fridge and poured it. Archer put the top on and set it in the microwave, setting it for one minute, then he started it. Archer walked back into the living room and checked on Jade before, upon hearing the microwave beep, returning to the kitchen to get the bottle. Archer tested the temperature on his wrist before sitting on the couch next to Jade, who crawled into his lap, Archer positioned the kitten correctly and pushed the bottle into his mouth. Jade immediate began nursing, purring happily, And soon Jade was asleep. Archer smiled as he lifted the sleeping kitten into his arms and carried him upstairs, changing him, before putting him in his crib. Archer quietly stepped into the hall, closing the door behind him. He made his way downstairs and plopped onto the couch flicking on the TV as he did so.

Jade's dreams were odd and confused, he knew something was wrong, but couldn't figure out what. He awoke, whimpering and crying, drenched in sweat. Archer was in the room in a second, lifting him into a hug, he pulled his shirt off and used it to dry off the soaked kit.

"Sh shh I'm here, don't worry." Archer said, rocking Jade in his arms.

"W-here's m-om-ma?" Jade asked, through his crying.

"W-well, your mom is. . ." Archer trailed off.

"What, my mom is what!" Jade began to cry more, he could sense that some very bad news would soon assault his ears and he new it would break his heart.

"Won't be coming back." Archer finished, he whipped a tear from his own eye, before hugging Jade tightly as the young kit began to shake, and cry. Archer felt claws dig into his fur, pinpricks of pain told him his fur hadn't shielded him from Jade's tiny claws.

"I'm a-wone now!"Jade cried, digging his claws into Archer's skin.

"No your not, I'll be here for you, always." Archer replied, flinching from the pain.

"r-really? You'd t-take me." Jade whimpered, looking up into Archer's eyes.

"I already have." Archer replied, and Jade buried his face in Archer's chest and continued crying, he felt safe in Archer's arms, but his emotions were so confused that he couldn't stop crying and eventually he cried himself to sleep.

Once Jade had fallen asleep he got up, carrying the sleeping kitten, and laid him in his crib. He then sat down in the rocking chair and within the hour he was asleep too.