Day -1

Just before the beginning. * * * Holidays, the best thing a student could dream of. I had postponed my last year of university and had used all my money I had saved up to do a backpacking tour of the world, and it was going great! Had...


The Soulless Soldier

"He is awake? How is h... there's not even any sign of activity on the readouts..." The doctors, or what appeared, now that my eyes were open, to be doctors were rushing around, looking at devices and making notes. I raised my head as far as I...

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The Bloodless Soldier

Something differant, it has been eating at my dreams, and today, after listening to some White Zombie, the plot solidified into something writeable. At this stage it will be a 'write as it comes to me' thing, I will be working on Weapon as a...

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The Doubtless Soldier

The plan was similar to the last one, the main force would engage the hordes of foot soldiers and beast-men, once they were fully committed to the fight, I would push as hard and fast as I could to the mage and deal with them by any means necessary. As...

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Weapon - Consolidating

Back again, with more from the General, as always, votes, comments and favs are very much appreciated, comments in particular. * * * "With the results of the referendums held in the propositioned countries being kept secret, and the deadline for...


Weapon – Transparent

I nodded to the workmen, they were installing the last of several high detail video cameras in my office. At first they were hesitant to work in there while I was at my desk, "Ma'am, we may see something we shouldn't.", The man had gestured to my...


Weapon - Reflection

"Don't you dare stop this feed until she is done." I heard Lieutenant Howard say. I took another few seconds to compose myself before looking back at the camera. "People of America, I apologise for my display, but..." I...


Weapon – Petals unfurled

Ok, yes, I understand this is a fairly simplistic view of world politics. I am taking the stand that once the nuke was detonated in USA a lot of things would have changed in the worlds scene. I know some of what I am saying will be incorrect. But you...

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Weapon – Growing

Please let me know what you think, vote, whatever you have to do :) Oh, and making the transition from Aussie military stuff to US military stuff was a shock, so much differant there. * * * "So how are we going to play it Sir?" I asked The...

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Weapon - Awakening

Its a new year and I have a new story starting, sit back, grab a beer, and enjoy the show! * * * Bright light, blinding, then a voice Instructions, these I can understand, unlike the lack of any memory before now. De-ja-vu It...

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Day 594

"And that's how the world began!" Said Karen, regaling the kids with the tale all over again. We had told it so many times now that they knew it as well as we did, but they never got tired of it. "Mom, tell me again the bit about when you and...


Day 12

I woke to the sound of conversations around me. "How the hell can he just sleep like that, its almost unnatural." One male voice decried. "Yeah, shit we're air-born rangers and none of us could get half the sleep he did." Another...

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