Day 594
#15 of Days
"And that's how the world began!" Said Karen, regaling the kids with the tale all over again. We had told it so many times now that they knew it as well as we did, but they never got tired of it.
"Mom, tell me again the bit about when you and daddy first met!"Harriet, our daughter begged.
"Aww, not that one, the one where unc' fights off the monsters!" Winchester got out, earning a "Yeah that one!" from Remington.
"Now now kids, its time for bed and you know it." I wandered into the room, "Even mommies have to go to bed now." And I grabbed Karen around the waist.
The three snuggled into the big bed and were asleep almost before we were to the door.
"What was the story about me fighting monsters?" I asked Karen after we left the room.
"Oh, just exercising artistic license dear." She replied, I pecked her on the nose.
We got back to the main room of the little cabin I had built us, Star was waiting, laying in front of the fire.
Unlike her cubs, she had never managed to get her mouth around English.
"Its amazing how fast she has grown, I swear it was just last week you started to swell with her." I told Karen.
"Well dear, you know how it is, good genes and healty living."
We curled up at the fire with Star, unwilling to leave our best friend just for the small comfort of a bed.
Ok, the ride is now over, please return your trays to the upright position and exit the aircraft as shown by your stewardess. We hope you have enjoyed flying Damaged Airways and wish you the best of luck in the future.