The Academy - Remembrance
We weren't allowed to go back to campus. The story that was being put out was that we had died in a helicopter accident during the training mission and it would raise suspicion if we were seen around...
Fallout - Cyclics and Surprises
I set my mind to the physical therapy as if my life depended on it. I couldn't remember being this focused on something before now. It was as if a new drive and...
Fallout - Life and Limb(s)
I passed the bus ride back to Fairchild in silent contemplation watching the familiar scenery pass by the window. Out the corner of my eye I noticed a hare in black sunglasses...
Aftermath - Reunion
"Traci, get down!" I squeezed the trigger firing a shot at the intruder. They blurred into motion, flattening themselves to the ground so quickly that I was...
Aftermath - The Quiet Life
This is the final part of the Kirian Harper Trilogy beginning with The Academy and Task Force. It's hard to believe where this story has ended up. I would never have made it without the...
Aftermath - Mysteries
"Sir!" "What is it Captain?" "I think you need to look at this report sir. I think we may have a problem with...
Aftermath - Opportunity
"Hello? May I speak to Mr. Eryn Snow?" "This is him." "Good afternoon sir. My name is Larry...
Aftermath - Intermission
I was crouched behind a rock, bullets flying past my position and chipping the stone. I spun out and opened fire on blurry figures below me, taking single shots from a long barreled...
The Academy - Fire When Ready
The next two weeks seemed to fly by in comparison to the first part. Sure, we were still being yelled at, but the days at Camp Manadoch were filled with events that challenged our mental limits and...
Task Force - Operation Terminated
That's it Doctor, you have to terminate the project. "What? It's just coming into...
Task Force - Long Shot
I propelled myself across the tundra on my cross country skis which slid smoothly beneath me. The cold air and windblown hard pack terrain combined to create optimal conditions and we flew...
Task Force - Change in Plans
I wanted to rebel so badly right now. I wanted to just give the government the bird and tell the others to stay, but I couldn't. Both arguments went against everything I had ever been...