OR: Fenyks

**Species Name** : Fenyks **Origins/Homeworld** : Multiple worlds and Planes; Born from the union of Ralkya and Phoenix. **Average Height** : 6'0 to 7'1 **Average Lifespan** : 140 years **Intelligence Level** : Sentient, Literate. Above...

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Lupirin: Pain - part 3

You're body needs time to get used to the task of assimilating blood. go ahead and sleep, for as long as you feel you can." "alrighty..." adrian said, the task of keeping his eyes open becoming burdensome. seerey gave him one last smile.

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Out of Time, Out of Space Chapter 4

L i n d a...stands for linear integrated neural diode assimilator." "you named your computer 'linda'? what kind of name is that?" i blurt out. ryt's eyes narrow to very dangerous slits. "a name i picked out for her.

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The Resurrection of Eric - Chapter One

Although i doubt i could have assimilated properly into the vacant body of a cat, you never know! and oop, there it is. yup, still male too. ok, so things could be worse.

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Breaking Down

To reinforce that, to make it 'fact,' all that is not part of the cult must be assimilated or destroyed." frowning, i asked, "how does that jibe with the christian church?" "ask the pagans, or the indigenous furs around the world."

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Chapter 5 - The Grandmaster of Sarthas

Nadia shook her head from the trance the book had seemingly had her under and assimilated the information a moment before asking another question.

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Evidence (A Werewolf Story Idea)

Maintaining her will and conscious for as long as she did keeping their trust and working together to survive the night from the alpha wolf and its minions, as well as their own classmates bitten and turned having lost their wills more easily than olive assimilated

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Day 5

Also some tests have shown that the dna 'packets' given off by one host undergoing animal dna assimilation can be passed on to other cells in a second host." i supplied, almost loosing to a giggle with the 'discovery'.

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Chapter 12 - The Valkyrie

Apocolyptija must be reborn in order for the assimilation of yggdrasil to take place. there is also the small problem of terra."

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The Lead Crown: Ch 9.5b, Shock and Awe

While his brain managed to assimilate that much in a perfectly logical and though-out manner his actual verbal response was much less eloquent. "bwah?"

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Of Impropriety

From a cultural standpoint, lehsunian women were expected to be modest, polite and demure, very much like his own owa, a lehsunian-assimilated yew tribal.

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Lab Report, Dr. Renat Rodion: Study of Subject 13, "Echo", and Local Wildlife

The catalyst for our assimilation, subject 13, into kotone's native population has been voted on unanimously by our scientific committee, as well as with my own approval. we believe subject 13 will prove to be a reliable asset.

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