A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 3-Final Moments
In a quicker deterioration, do you want natural or artificial?"
A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 9
Part 2 - Warrior "You're sure about this, love?" Night Star asked, turning from his customary seat on the bridge to face her. "You know that there's no going back from this. If we start this, then they're never going to stop looking for you." The...
The Lone And Level Sands Stretch Far Away
Even if these structures prove artificial, in the sense that they were purpose built by life forms, that doesn't mean they were artificial in the sense they are the product of anything more than instinct.
993 On Deck
Instead of it closing behind him, however, sethkill extends his own arm, the artificial one replaced with carbon steel and ceramics, and holds the aperture open in a swirl of tidal forces that would be deadly to flesh but which only tear and burn at the artificial
Interstellar Dissonance: “Elements”
._ _they continued their technological evolution over the centuries, eventually even pulling off the impossible: tak'roki, artificial subatomic particles, a type of programmable energy only achieved once before by a race far older, and long extinct due to
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 22
Sets of artificial claws are only used in the most extreme cases, when a dragon loses his or her claws one way or the other. for them it was like putting socks on a snail's tentacles.
The Transfer Part I
I'd prefer a blonde one myself" he said while walking out of the artificial habitat. part ii coming soon...
The war of metal solders
Taking full control of my 28 ft. metal skin i push my mechanical arms out felling the relief of the artificial nerve and muscle running through the system.
Rukhgert Stern, the griffin. (Chapter 2)
The main thing is that if our experiment with an artificial assistant succeeds, then it will be possible to try and return saktaushysy shekarasy ... or at least find her whole. evor jerked his tail. 'an artificial assistant ... like dr.
Ovni Biography
Particularly notable action carried out by ovni during this time was against a group intent on the extermination of artificial life and artificial sentience, both intelligent robots and experiments.
Scarlet - Chapter 3
After slipping inside, we quickly made our way to the usual spot, directly under the artificial sun created by the house of fire many years ago.
Tiger Wolf (pt 1)
Blaze, a warforged artificier that can be every inch the mad scientists profess her profession to be but whose heart is nearly always in the right place.