Digital Prey Chapter 3

Taomon then leapt up into the air, looking down at the prone form of her antagonist with a cold, quiet rage which echoed in her voice as she spoke, "this madness has gone on long enough.

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Strange Times, Preface-History(edited)

Over the course of 6 months over forty important figures loyal to the queen, as well as several that were known to be antagonists to the british government, had either died or disappeared.

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Love Is... Chapter 7

All that mattered right then and there was her rage, and the continued fuelling of the antagonistic fires which it was so easily causing to burn.

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Characters Tailor-made For the Plot

._ the traditional villain, the antagonist that the hero absolutely cannot beat when the hero first enters the fray.


Ragnarok - I

Where has it gone, and my antagonist? where is the crowd? did he who took them hence remove me here? how was it done so swift? i almost feel upon my body still the burning of the bruises raining down.

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Raspberry Line Chapter 18

Worse, with the occurrence of each dream--of each little world that she, ket, and sometimes others both friend and antagonist--she became increasingly torn between her desire to initiate her feelings to ket once again, and her promise


lMore then Just friendsl lMall conspiratorsl

-so whom does people think is more likely to be an antagonist? oklain him self or sekhai's own paranoia?

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Dreaming in Me [Shadow Lugia Plush Vore/Hypnosis]

Almost instantly it brought back memories of playing _gale of darkness_ on my gamecube, a game that featured the corrupted lugia as the tool of the primary antagonist, some short bald dude whom i can't remember the name of.

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The Other Side Ch 3

She'd use it as an excuse to continue to be antagonistic at best. downright hostile at worst. good bye!" the thought _"just what did i get myself into?"_ and others like it danced around inside mat's head as he headed towards the docks.

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Not So Retired Any More II

Chapter 2 - fate and antagonists a flash, then more blackness. the smell of something acrid smouldering. heat on her face, heat which slowly resolved itself as pain.

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The Beginning of Not Much

Still, they were kind and fair, ignored by bandits and foreign antagonists alike, for even though they provide valuable resources, who doesn't? "all available men are hereby conscripted into the royal army!

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Hunter of Mad Kings: From Beyond the Grave

Your fellow human beings (though you never put it that way) have always been more of a mystery to you than the plots and schemes of your criminal antagonists.

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