Born Anew: Chapter 2
#2 of born anew: tails from a world in ruin chapter 2 in my novel, born anew. :) please read and help an aspiring author make his mark on the furry community.
Rising Anew-Chapter 6, part 1-
#21 of rising anew rising anew chapter 6 -the leaves swirled in gusts of cold wind, the bare branches of the trees quietly clacked together in the shots of wind.
And thus the Tower Babel Fell, Part 1/3
With each glorious view, their eyes are opened anew. dark hearts adore, now torn as two worlds now are one, nowhere else to run. hail, hail, the neverborn! \* flee not from me, pet so frail, still your heart, silence your wails.
The sisters reunite
Sigarda wiped her tears, and as she stared back at liesa its was like she saw her sister anew. she was smiling warmly, which made sigarda even more ashamed. "what now?" she asked, not fully composed.
Rising Anew Chapter 15 The Claw Healed.txt
#4 of rising anew rising anew -chapter 15, the claw healed- "have you located them..." "we know their last whereabouts sir." "where..." "a small city... in the northern united states. a place called meddlark, lord ritus."
Enochian: Epilogue / The Prophecy
And only after hell is consumed with death, and heaven stands in ruin, and the mortal plane has suffered the purging fire, shall the throne be filled anew.
The First World
Was created and the world that that shall be the last in existence, it is the final domain of all creatures good and bad and is future home of all organisms whether they be plants or animals for when an organism dies on a foreign planet then they reborn anew
Fenrir's Return (WIP)
Relief spread over me, we would make it and start life anew in the "new world" that we had heard so much about. and without my dad to break fenrir's bond, odin's fist could easily take care of him and the world would be saved.
Wind of Change: Chapter 37
As the universe starts with a bang, it will also return to its previous state with the end, and all realities will begin anew.
Observation of The Fantastic Creation - Thursday Prompt Story [#2, 12/1/23]
This universe must be born anew, as it has been for countless cycles by now. everything that once was, must no longer be. maybe in the next cycle, it could still exist, but not in the way you remember."
Silver Moonlight (Faust's Rebirth)
Their vitality born anew. they trembled, joy spurred them on as they loped into the treeline and vanished into the shadows. alive. reborn.
Or perhaps to start anew. anew? nay, that cannot be, a rose can?t smell as sweet when all around the dung heap grows in power. manure, manure, a pedicure, a symbol of riches around. to be a king more suffering must be unleashed upon them.