And thus the Tower Babel Fell, Part 1/3

Story by Diavora on SoFurry

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Wrote this to try and break out of writer's block for a story I am writing (to which this is a counterpart to) concerning an entity following an artist across time and space.

Forward, into the dark, my dear Away, never again to hear The voice of father's love, The passing of the years, Mankind's greatest fears No more, no less, my dove.

The ship that sails at midnight, Loaded before the dawn, Technya make haste your flight His eyes to you are drawn.

The world's gone red with blood Where once rust's marks had stood. Once past, she Sees it all. Turn away from your dark fears, Why should you stall, your breath He hears Flee, flee, He sends His thrall. * Time has passed into the dark, Lost within Her greatest art. The choice is yours alone. Forever you are Marked. Here come His heralds, Hark! Brought low, at once, by stone.

Fear not, my child of beauty, Gifted with Sight and song, You see what ails the world, you see. You paint of what is wrong.

The ship still sails the stars Where the souls of glory are. Black with hate, ignore The questing eyes of Leland, His eyes are back on Martian land, Dead, dead from the War. * Forward, into your life, my dear Your works they fill my heart with fear. The thoughts of father's dread. Your gift grows strong each year, I must stop it, but time comes near. Too little, too late, he's dead.

The Grinning Man has took him To keep his tongue most silent. Your works fill Him with joy most grim, So paint, no more relent!

With each glorious view, Their eyes are opened anew. Dark hearts adore, now torn As two worlds now are one, Nowhere else to run. Hail, hail, the Neverborn! * Flee not from me, pet so frail, Still your heart, silence your wails. Desires of darkest thoughts, Lose once again the trail, With the twitching of a tail. She, into His hands, came not.

Once again through midnight, Away with the hopes of men, A world anew, far star's light. No love, no peace, She's spent.

No more to greet new shores, Nor study the ancient lores, Daughter dearest sleep. This one is yours, New Eden. Cast aside your burden. Thrown, thrown to the deep.