A choked laugh escaped me from the absurdity of that understatement. tears dripped down to the bible, bleeding the ink on cheap pages. "they kicked me out. i don't know what to do. i have no place to go."
Enchanted balls will bounce off this height as if there were an invisible ceiling there, allowing for increasingly tricky shots to be made by skilled players, especially on hard surface arenas where the ball can be sent ricocheting up and down the field in absurd
Dancing Contest#2
''no time for feeling sorry for ourselves'' whispered nikkah, as he quickly thought up an absurd plan of hiding the wolf in the fridge. ''in now'' nikkah shouted in whispers to the wolf, ushering to the inside of the fridge.
Story of the Year
It was onl--" "absurd!" the dog yelled. "what would you call repeatedly setting traps on every doorway and stairwell!?"
Ioborne: Chapter Seven and Epilogue
"this is absurd," gunner yelled, more at the situation than the medic. "you should read warning labels on what you're taking." "i thought he was giving me a placebo. you know the military, they usually just give you motrin and send you out the door."
The Meteor Kitten
It was like a giant had finished playing some absurd game of pick up sticks, and had just dropped everything where it lay... well, aside from the shining rock in the crater's center, still visibly wafting off heat.
Fur one and fur all! (Part 5)
I laugh at the sheer absurdity at it all. it seems that my mind uses comedy as a sort of natural defense against the uncertainty and craziness of this whole situation. as i ponder the mind's natural defenses, i hear a door open. "hello, alex.
Among the stars, Chapter 1: Part 2
"yeah pretty much, it's my grandmother's recipe, i hope you like spicy things." before zain even finished talking, mikee had blown on his spoonful of stew and jammed a rather absurd amount of bread in his mouth.
A day at Market
That was absurd! he couldn't afford more than 20 buck for just one part of a full meal. "maybe next time" the tiger said dejectedly. he looked into his cart one more time and saw the goldfish crackers. they wouldn't help, they were just a bandaid.
Wolves' Legacy 3: Prologue
I mean, that was absurd. who would've thought they invented wireless communication already while i'm still stuck with telegrams? well, it's a good thing anubis got the information of a communication base and we took control of it.
Nikolai, an absurdly thin white fox from ukraine, sat beside him and started talking about how when he was younger he and his family was always moving, making miles feel better about his own position.
He felt the need to point out this absurdity even if he could get used to it. "you are a rabbit," he noted. "and i caught you. i'm okay with trying to be equal, but what would you really do if i wasn't? you're more or less my prisoner.