The Guilded Cage, World Introduction, part 1

The Guilded Cage Setting, part 1 The World Varia, blessed by the glory bestowed upon it by Ameil the Divine Light, extends from the Golden Shores of the west most reaches of the western continent all the way to the rocky cliffs that provide a...

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A boy and a dragon a tail of two friends #8

Chapter 8 Alex and Runetide reached the shore a little over two hours later it was twilight by then, Alex walked out of the water he breathed out and he felt a burning on his neck, they were on a nondescript beach with sandy dunes and grassy...

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Building a Universe

**Building a Universe** Written By: Skabaard There comes a time in the development of any "civilized" culture when that culture is arrogant enough to believe that there isn't, sometimes that there cannot be, another culture like itself....

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Days of School (Prelude to Snowed In)

Erin poked at his eggs absentmindedly, glowering at them and the bacon that was sitting nearby. It was his first day of school after he'd moved, and he wasn't looking forwards to it. It wasn't that it was a bad school or anything, or that Erin had any...

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00 - The Fool

The world awaited! How could he _not_ be excited? His whole body alight with warmth. His heart rushing. Jubilation elating him, leaving him weightless. He threw his belongings into a trunk. Humming, all the while. So giddy, he thought butterflies...

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WeylandYutaniCorporation Date Log22361AG

Over 15k words and more than 30 pages, this first chapter is mostly focused on world-building and introducing the characters.

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Chapter 5: Northward

The Rasdamo Compass, a sacred relic in the collection created by Lunrba family, Lunbiv can just take the compass whenever he wanted but why do that ? He wanted destruction and chaos or at least for them to suffer for what they did to his family, but...

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Soul Harvesters: Manual

World:- A modern-cyberpunk world with fantasy elements that is somewhat similar to our own. A world that finds itself under threat by unknown and unseen forces, but there are those who are able to protect it against said forces. Technology is a...

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Potion Cat: An Elemental Find

Small cool drops of rain fell from grey skies down onto the potion maker's hill. A soft mist curled against greenery and folded around the hill. The potion maker herself stepped out and shivered as she felt the cold air touch her, but she smiled as she...

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Jack's Tail: Chapter-10 Recovery and Routine

Chapter 10: Recovery and Routine It seems Alpha wants to stay the night again in my residential container, like she doesn't trust me to not do something stupid. Not that I was planning on doing something stupid, like harming myself. Without a way...

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Furtasia: The Canari

#5 of furtasia - world building information on the canari people of my fantasy story-world of furtasia.

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The Tale of Mortibe from the Song of Hannari

Now it came to pass, when the generations since the Time of the Shears when life became mortal were fourteen thousand, four hundred and sixty-three, that the Gods of Old became as mortals, indolent and corrupt in their ways. Dai Yel, He of the Highest...

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