Night thoughts - 30. - Because why not?

. - because why not? for some reasons, the seasons seem colder as i grow older in feeling mentally, the same.

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Why Were You Smiling That Day?

"i don't know why i never thought to ask before, but it has been on my mind a lot lately." she giggled softly and kissed him on the lips for a moment before speaking again. "why were you smiling that day?"

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Why We Have But One Sun

"but why must you destroy the light of heaven? why must you cast the world into darkness and despair?" the princess cried back. "i see no reason for heaven's light if i cannot see you. nothing the light of heaven touches can compare to your beauty.


(Question) Why Are There Different Art Styles?

But why are they different? why aren't they the same, just different artists drawing them? to the internet!!!

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Night thoughts - .2 - Because why not

- because why not forgive my repetition i do so, so easily without inhibition i tend to lend too much of an answer with no personal connection holding close only a moment open to reasonable reflection despite what i write, i shake still when the

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Night thoughts - 1. - Because why not

I hope my assumptions aren't right for the future always close by i just hope others move to make things better after the moments of asking why... till then, i wait for the final gate of fate to burst open & show all...

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Night thoughts - 3. - Because why not

.- because why not amid the flowers, i've spent many hours sitting in peace, watching the world turn listening twice as much as i talk, there is so much still to learn against the breeze, i lay back in ease, always thinking about sweeter things than

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Night thoughts - 5. - because why not

. - because why not ever relapsing into darkness i sift blindly through my minds possible mess grabbing hold of what i can't see with strength i forgot i had envisioning what i need out of it all, i'm certain, moving past those things that once made me

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Night thoughts - 18. - because why not

. - because why not (can't sleep...was having mini-nightmares) awake at hours when rest is most needed i find a shadow in mind, with something again pleaded to take my shadows hand, & walk about the days with no light enjoying the times since

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Night thoughts - 21. - because why not

. - because why not eh-co. - - - language is a certain noise, made to give peace to uncertainty, when with others, who want to simply go about the day without worry it's something honestly alarming, even considered, if used a certain way, charming it varies

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