Through A Glass Darkly - 4
They went on. The road had stretched forever, Whiffletree was sure, and the forest nearly as far. They would walk on worn black cobblestones until the universe died its final, cold death. Yet with each stride the road curved and climbed more, snaking...
Poke U: A Lesson Learned
**Poke U: A Lesson Learned** "Hey Heart, you up yet?" "..." "Heart?" Rex, still lying in his bed, turned over to his side, but did not see a Tyrantrum anywhere in sight. _Oh, I guess he must have left already to head to practice._ Rex looked over...
Poke U: Meet & Greet
**Poke U: Meet & Greet** Rex laid on his bed, propping one leg on top of the other as he stared at his phone. In the corner, it read 10:00 AM, as he let out a big yawn. Rex loved his Mondays, since he had an open schedule and was free to laze around...
Through A Glass Darkly - 5
Whiffletree felt well rested when she rose. It was illogical, of course. They'd escaped a horrible danger, and rested amid the unknown and perhaps the unknowable, and yet she'd slept deeply and soundly. She stretched, as did Luna beside her, and...
Through A Glass Darkly - 2
The pair, gray earth pony and blue unicorn, slept beside the dying embers of the fire. They slept for an unmarked time, then woke with the stars still gleaming above. The faintest wisp of smoke still came from the fire's ashes, and without a word Luna...
More Than Friends
_You ever have one of those moments that make you think, "How did my life get to this point?"_ _Usually, you end up thinking that when you're in a bad situation. Or when you're on top of the world. Me? I guess you could say I was sky high._ _My...
The Risen Curtain - Chapter 16: The Interview - Magecraft & Magic
_There is something cheap about magic that works just because it is magic._ _ **~Richard Doekins** _ * * * * * * Zootopia had stopped, as it was now looking at the interview. Mammals of the city now were stopping and focusing their attention in...
Through A Glass Darkly - 3
There was nothing like morning when the two mares woke and began their journey once more. The sky was as dark as ever, the stars as bright and as strange as ever, and the road as black as ever, but it began to climb more often than it sank, and the...
A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 20
There was still one group of Guardians who were close enough to the medical bay, so Strong Soul diverted them there while the others continued on to the bridge. The assault group was one that was strong enough that she could put them in the back of her...
The Risen Curtain - Chapter 1: The Last Day Before the Storm
_Reality is something fickle._ _We all want to believe that reality is something firm and solid. Immutable. Something eternal, in which we can rely on to be constant. To be something that would never change, so we will have an anchor to our own...
[Commission] Not the Flame, But the Spark - Chapter 1
The grumbling of the engine finally died, cut off as the rental car crawled to a halt on the side of the paved road. The few mammals passing by craned their necks to stare at the shiny, modern-looking sedan; so different from the dust-and-mud-coated...
Song of the Soul: Getting Acquainted (Ch 1)
The cool night air brushed against the soft glow of the crystals, whisking by gurgling streams and rushing around roaring waterfalls. Tall flowers, the size of sunflowers, lit the small pocket of space near them with their bioluminescence. They emitted...