Neko girl

She pulled them open and stepped i, grabbing her lunch for that day, the regular old school food crap, and paid for it, then walked outside to her and her friends regular hang out spot.

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Not Gay Ch.1

Sure, most of them are older, but even at my old school, i was always the short one. i hate being so small, and now it's so much worse... oh, wait, locker 651!

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Off the Record: Rociel's Ramblings

.** so you get profiled for pot, heroin is old school, and cocaine is impossible to find. **yeah, these new synthetic drugs are the next big thing since one can easily set up a laboratory and get the base components of them on the open market.

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Neko Hoshi 6 days

I had a human girlfriend at my old school. he's a guy i'm not in love with him! i pushed open my door and sat there in the darkness. i couldn't take it anymore, but i can't do that again. i sighed as i touched my shadow looking out to the world.

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Fursona High: Chapter 7 Advice From A Friend

He told everyone else, and i couldn't take the abuse at my old school. i told my parents about my sexuality, and we moved away two days later." "so your parents know about you being gay. didn't they get mad?" asked tom.

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Clown Mare

"it was a great adventure with a few of my friends at the old school. jeez i forgot how it felt before i went into this slave mess business. i wonder why my parents did it. did they ever love me back? they must have been in debt or something.

The dream crossed twilight between birth and dying.

Finally using an old-school caliper he measured her head. "the skull is standard human size." holding her in his arms, he carried her to the glass while the older researcher looked down at them.

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Forever Blue: Part I

Even kids at his old school made fun of his name, so he was used to it by now, he tried not to let it get to him. but rozzy seemed different than the rest. from the people he hangs out with you could say he was popular and well liked.

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Christmas Special Part 2: Family (not so) Secrets

"that's great, i knew that you would fit in, i still can't believe those bullies at your old school. threatening to shoot you cause you're gay." i had told my mom and dad i was gay as soon as i had started having the feelings.

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This Valentine part 4

And then, we get to the moutain near our old school. the scenery is still the same as before. the sunset light is so warm just like the first time we meet. both of us sit down and look at the view.

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My Furry Valentine Ch. 4

"showing me their old school yearbook." i laughed nervously. she gave us a small smile. "okay...just don't cause any trouble. i don't want anything broken. understand?" "yes ma'am." we said together.

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Cadet Sahshir Katje

So while chatting with him, i did an old school "story pad," where i wrote this short story in the irc chat room. he gave me the character description as follows. i wrote this fun back story bit for her.

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