Forgotten: Registration

"ugh, its getting close to my nap time; i completely forgot about it. let's head to the throne of elements real quick." serthal took out a small device and pressed a button, causing some sort of rift to appear out of nowhere.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 82

nap times over and we've got a lot of food to get through." he said while shaking them awake. sitting up one by one, they rubbed their eyes and yawned, looking around curiously. "how long we sleep?" serenity asked.

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 13 last minute entry

After the drills were over it was nap time and spyro, cynder and georga finally had some time to talk. "so, he still won't enter the igus cup" georga said.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 17

Spyro blurt out impatiently " this curiosity is killing me" the electric guardian smiled " as you wish" " nap time!"

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Black Meridian: White Lies

_oh, rape and murder, its nap-time. but some big feral gets his nuts kicked in, and suddenly it's weapons?_ fuck the code. there was no code, not anymore. "who's that?" nadine called. "hoffman!" the lad called, a weird guy, she remembered.

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Learning with Foxyotes

"watch, they'll get worn out from this game in a little bit and be ready for a nap." time is relative. what one person considers a little bit and another a lifetime could easily the same distance.

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Daggers of Darkness, Book #5: "The First Ones" - Chapter-3

"oh...hello...nap time over?" "yes, child, time to get up now," naoia replied. "okay," erlanna acknowledged sleepily.

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