The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Forty

"the magic used to seal those memories away was stronger than i expected. forcing it open shouldn't have needed that much power." "it hurt," porter croaked.

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Foxitious Chap3-4 (Clean)

"i am a master of all three basic arts of magic use, healing, and sword combat. i can bend fire, shape water, move earth and force wind. i am a master of magic, i can change my coats color to blend in with anything i want.

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Alantris, Chapter 8

Erros gave him a stern look and declared, "i have seen enough magic used wrongly in my time.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 12: Journey of Emotions

"when we looked at the elder's body, we found traces of black magic used to kill him.

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Fire From the Darkness Chapter 5

And we found that the magic used to make it was not wild.

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Chronicles of Draxuz: Chapter 4

He still hadn't fully healed from his magic use the last time. he smiled to himself as he thought of how funny it was that now she was the one passed out from over using her magic. his smile wilted though, because she had done it for him.

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Sons of Winter chapter 12: Brannen

As for the older ones...i can't save everyone, so i settle for the young ones, who can't withstand the magic used to fetter them, so they're bound using the more traditional means." "and the second reason?"

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 5: Trust

They thought that the magic used to enhance the dragon slayer's weapons were foul and evil, so they did not use it. they rely on us for protection. anyway, are you going back to the settlement?"

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Bahamut's Light: Chapter 4

Those mana stones were dark magic, used to make lives better yes, but at a terrible cost. continued reliance on them merely reinforced their continued use. his eyes shifted to veledar, whose own mother had been tortured, her spirit bound to such a stone.

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Alice Dippleblack in On The Run Ch2

Those touched with magic use their own store of mana to channel and manipulate the energies he or she gathers. the greater or more complex a working, the more mana is consumed," twinkaleni explains.

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Valhen's Test

Many of the finest mages in the land were brought to see if they could lift the curse, and many of them said it could not be done, that the magics used in the curse were too powerful for any of their number to break.

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Creating a character

Magic is by no means a simple thing, and when playing a magic using character i would suggest the dm and pc remember that for even a simple spell there can be dire consequences. i will go further into magic in the next chapter. (questions?

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