End Of Our Worlds? Not today Chapter 07

The mouse thinks and before he knows it, a flash of cyan light happens, spawning in his left hand a black long sword made out of sharp dragon scales; all outlined with the same blue cyan.

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The Tale of Teàrlach Part 2

He eased the long sword out of its scabbard, moving it over his shoulder as he slowly knelt down on a knee before the old hare. the display was elegant.

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A Cursed Hunter

Not surprisingly, she was standing back, the silver and jade dagger i had lent to her in one hand, the captain's long sword in the other, still in fighting position.

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Grey War -part one- Chapter 2

There was taylor, a dark grey wolf with a black robe with white highlights and a katana long sword on his hip. jack and blair, twin red foxes that were quite inseparable.


Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 1

My left hand flicked out, the whip cracked as it snatched an eye from rolphio's head, sending him into a stumble of pain as he fumbled for his long sword in blind pain. calipo's blade sung and slid high aiming for my jugular.

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Harbingers Ch1: The Abomination

The third wore a six foot long sword on his back, towering at seven and a half feet and covered from head to toe by shining, steel platemail, introduced as tank.

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changeing fast: chapter 3

I then walked over to close combat weapons and selected a long sword. an english style one it was a very long broad sword. it must have weighed almost 50 pounds but it felt like a knife in my hands. i strapped the sheath to my back and put it away.

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Blacksmiths pilot

Like a rapier or long sword made of black steel! like me!" "yea well i could of just gone with a massive black steel bow with trion arrows too but you know, thats a rather weak weapon against this type of beast.

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U.C.O.D. Scorn of The Lost: Chapter 6 (for real)

Two soldiers with long swords stepped out to escort the trio inside, each one taking a side of the group and walking with them.

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Cult of Shadow

Suddenly, bursting through the doors were a pair of arcan soldiers with long swords and shields at ready, pointing them at the shadow fox. "jubei of han-ma! you're under arrest in the name of king arca, you are to come with us!"

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Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 20 - Commander Xoltan

A long sword clutched in his hand as he raised his shield. black hair trailed down from his scale line around his face. "who?...what are you?" maia asked as he forced wendigo back and defended her.

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 12

The huge orc long sword made a good mess out of the troops that were nearby, chopping heads and arms. moles tried to get close to him, but where kept away by the killing blade. "another ladder!!!"

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