That Time You Got Us Kicked Out Of Denny's
The fire type scrambled to his feet, eyes burning, and the electabuzz realized what a dumb idea that had been.
Journey to another world pt2 ch73
With kit being a fire type, she was weak against water type attacks being a fire type, undine was a water type, which would only make it an even match. mismagius was a ghost, so that would prove to be my trump card.
Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 3
"wait, i thought that a fire type pokemon could not hurt another fire type too much?" gloria asks as she puts out another bowl of generic pokemon food for miles. "normally, but miles has a lot of special attack power.
How I Got The Name Charmander
Well the name charmander was a nick name i got when i was about 5 years old after getting my first ever pokemon game on my game boy and i would play w it nonstop and ever since i had a new pokemon i would pic charmander or i would use a temporary fire type
The Creepiest Gym Battle I've Ever Seen.
An undead fire type frozen with fear over a grass type. 'ok, i'll use arcanine.' i think to myself. except... i grab the wrong pokeball and send out my donphan. this massive elephant. what happens next? it lands square ontop of the bellsprout.
The Pokemon Threat Chapter Four!
When they arrived, they came to a deep river, blaze like having a bath, but he was afraid to go into deep water, since he was a fire type. "poochie, you're going to have to go on without me, am a fire type, i hate deep water. i can't stand it.
Journey to another world ch16
I thought that this would be an easy match since most trainers would teach their milktank rollout, and since rollout was a ground type move it would be really effective against a fire type, but then a blaziken was also a fighting/fire type and the milktank
The Deoxys Collective
Before the fire type could move from the sand the legendary shot some green darts into his back, "_prepare to become one with us.
Kira's Action
Rather it was because of my mother or just the fact i am a fire type, i always ended up making something each day in the kitchen.
A New Companion, Ch3
For a fire type she sure likes the water. she was more concerned with his depressed state than how long a fire type stays in the shower though.
The Giggle Gang
The fire type looked over at the other captives, frowning a bit, before he looked back at the lizard, "now... you and i will chat alone." he pointed out to the other captives, "go ahead and separate them.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Scarlet Explorer: The Truth
We are just some grass types, no problem for a big bad fire-type like you," he grimaced, stepping on him harder. something was wrong. he was used to these beatings, but they were never this severe.