A Hero's End, A Legends Rise
~norman cousins i believe that all wisdom consists in caring immensely for a few right things, and not caring a straw about the rest. ~john buchan water is fluid, soft, and yielding. but water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield.
A Worriors Word
Where is the wisdom coming from?" i look down at a ground that i can't see, and softly whisper, "somewhere.....way beyond me." he snorts, and grasps my throat roughly, and spits in my face, "this is rubbish, don't you see?!
This is my special gift to you, two pieces of wisdom that have helped me greatly, and so i hope they will help you.
The mightiest of all creatures
By the origin, the wolves possessed only the courage, wisdom, and kindness, as a single wolf was simply lacking the strength.
Earth: The RPG Player's Guide
**mind** an average of intellect and wisdom which determines your mind points. **affinity** affinities for certain classes of damage, both for causing said damage, and for resisting said damage.
The First World
They would rather destroy than to see reason and thus the world was cut off never to be seen by any organisms but those who are not cut off from the truth and the wisdom behind it.
From the Journal of Blayze EmberScales (Prologue)
In order to achieve this honor, a raptor must prove that he or she either cannot be accurately described by an ancestor's name, or that they have surpassed their predecessor in skill, knowledge, or wisdom.
Chapter 16 - Mortality
"anthromorphia have neither the advanced brains or wisdom needed to perceive the true nature of the universe. "however a scientist, leviticus..." continued odin while staring at everyone in the room.
Bound by Destiny 11
I normally do not seek your wisdom, but this time i am asking for it. please, what should i do?"
Chapter 25
"these wolves," yaholo called up to the spirit, "seek your wisdom and guidance." the spirit seemed to understand now.
Wiroch: Basic Info
Lowlanders made many trips throughout the entirety of the country to learn the wisdom of the other species. they carried many volumes of knowledge and wisdom and tried to keep every bit of it in the only non-migrating tribe's main tent.
DnD sheet
Modifier | | | fort constitution | 6 | = | 3 | + | 1 | + | 0 | + | 2 | + | | | | reflex dexterity | 4 | = | 0 | + | 2 | + | 0 | + | 2 | + | | | | will wisdom | 4 | = | 0 | + | 2 | + | 0 | + | 2 | + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |