The Song of the Slayer - Prologue

Shed a tear for on that day many paid the greatest price, and the halls of valour were hard pressed for choice. for such heroics hjörld paid too, the heavy toll, and under weight of wounds, scattered the shale with his fall.

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Fragmenting Courage (Otherwise Untitled)

~ whatever valor was left in her heart diminished to a flicker at the sight of a bismuth cannon's beam finding purchase and cutting its way out from the far side of the cruiser that had been her home for so many months.

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S5 Ep8-The Kingdoms of Gaia

They had moved to the elemental forest in the valor kingdom, a natural magic forest, and built up a smaller kingdom there.

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GoM-Ep2-Brian's backstory

The brothers had lived in the valor kingdom capital doing their own respective jobs from their very cramped apartment.

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"The Thin Line, Part WW (and conclusion)

They have a section there for valour medal winners, and his funerary brass will probably be installed in due course. they interred him with the great wolf's sword.

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As The seasons go by

We etch our names into history with a valor knife. the numbing winter goes over us. the quenching summer blows past us. your scarlet dress is like the red full moon. i demolish the wall of doubt between us.

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Character Sheet: Evan Lockwood

**skill list:** -valor minuet: plays a bright tune to enforce his allies's hearts. -mage's ballad: spells cast while this ballad is playing are stronger.

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The Road Of Life - Chapter 12

He still planned to go to college in valor and i was going to take my old job back and move in with him into the campus apartments.

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Background Info (Jonas)

Jonas displays an excellent amount of valor and courage in battle. but tere is a problem. if jonas is enraged by anything he just becomes a cyclone of death as the line between friend and foe are completely erased.

Titania's Song And Dance

Standing with valor that can not be matched. at key parts of my song the army marches in place, bashing shield and weapon, and war chants to song adding to the power. as my song grows in intensity like a great battle so do my movements.

S3 Ep3- Beverly Windbrook

I have made a discord server dedicated to this project : after solaris o moonstone did a concert in one of the cities in the valor kingdom he did a meet and greet with some of his biggest fans.

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Mesprit's Savior

I wasn't far from lake valor, possibly only a few minutes flight. that put me on the other side of the continent from my own home.

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