Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #2

Without any grudge on the electric type, he gave a cheeky smile as he bit down onto the apple.

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The gutpunching home - Sidestory 1

The two pokémon in question are rampardos, the grey dinosaurian rock-type pokémon, and haxorus, the yellow-and-black dinosaurian dragon-type pokémon.

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Another Day, Another Mission...

The fire-type would grin. "believe me, i'm just as excited as you are!" "stop bouncin' around on my back, vicky, we're above the ocean." the corviknight looks back at the ground-type with a rather exhausted expression.

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Another Day, Another Mission...

The fire-type would grin. "believe me, i'm just as excited as you are!" "stop bouncin' around on my back, vicky, we're above the ocean." the corviknight looks back at the ground-type with a rather exhausted expression.

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Ace's biography

- immune to fairy type, resistant bug and ground types but vulnerable to fighting-type. - has the illusion's ability, inherited from his father. - his electric attacks are effective to ground types.

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Evolution's Gate Ch.4 - Ghost's Story

I want to see how a normal-type would react to becoming a ghost-type, so that they can tell us how things are different and such." i knew what the gastly was talking about. ghost-types are usually born that way, and never change.

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Foxy and Kitty- Episode 8

She typed in, and then pressed enter. it took only moments for his answer to pop up in front of her. "well, i figure your nickname is kitten for a reason." he smiled. kitten's ears drooped a bit as she typed in her reply.

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The cursed snakes

Skills and even his mystical powers were strengthened by the dna ghost type.

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A Comprehensive Guide to the planet of Alexandrite

He has a natural afro of curly black hair often covering his eyes, he stands at 6 '3 with a chubby but muscular body type.

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Ordnance sidearm - type 91 taurus type: automatic pistol caliber: 12.70x99 mm type of round: standard piercing or magnum explosive rate of fire: automatic, theorically up to 50 or more shots for minute weight: 5 kilos range: the weapon is


Species List

Element is always light, and they can have pulse, missile or focus type attacks, though a rare few have immensely powerful blade type attacks. archenglewomon: digivolution of celestemon.

Isolation-Excerpt 9-The Basement

The first thing your going to do is type in "initiate start up-protocol 3654." i typed it in. almost immediately, the computer replied with "welcome user, enter inquiry/set rit now."

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