Is all they preach even the ruler of this realm must lie the force of mankind has even influenced the taintless god has been destroyed by his own creation my name is called for i'm the only pure soul left in a time of desperation, i help feel sympathy
The love-letter to females of CDRR
._ _my eyes full sympathy,_ _when i see you sad._ _joy fills my heart,_ _when i hear your voice._ _my soul is full of soothe_ _when you are with me._ _so, what feelings i feel now?
15 scars and bulimia
I don't want sympathy i want to be a leason to stop bullying and stop words from "killing" people or actucauly killing people. i'm unfixible just a washed up toy.
The girl I knew.
She never looked for pity, or sympathy from you. that's why she'll always be, the strongest girl i ever knew.
No one has sympathy for the man down under--even though he draws the closest fascimile to one of us: hated, despised, mistrusted, always the malefactor. that's how we treat strangers--stranger danger.
Other Side Of Summer IV: A Telephone Call
The voice on the other end of the line dropped the officious tone and actually held some sympathy. "we've had many people trying to reverse the effects of the event last summer, but none have been successful so far.
Melody for a Broken Heart
Crimson now pressing in so desperately to feel the chords caressed in red and i'm falling once again but the worst of this whole ordeal is i know you won't be here not like you were then and there will be no bandages to heal my infected wounds nor sympathy
Glory for the Fallen
For all those who fight, is there no another way to settle differences to all those families who have suffered, to all those warriors past, and to all those who still fight, there is still sympathy.
Poem #33: The Senses
Depression, sadness, grief are my eyes; irritation, annoyance, fury are my voice; happiness, jubilance, giddiness are my ears; loneliness, inspiration, understanding are my nose; pity, sympathy, passion are my tongue; love,
Mudkip Has a Bad Dream
._ chikorita looked at him another minute, full of sympathy, "chi-ka?" _do you mind if i lay here?_ mudkip looked around at the dimly lit room, he could hear the gentle droplets of rain on the window to the pokémon center.
A Curious Fleet: Nagru/Silvamord
Nagru, when he sees neither she nor the rats nor the prisoners will notice, gives her a very brief glance of irritated sympathy. little as he wants competition, getting her wish would at least give him some peace.
Autumn Woods - Chapter Six
He felt a strong sense of pity for cloud but he said he wouldn't show sympathy. cloud didn't want it. "i. . . i don't know what to say." cloud laughed and looked up at rye. "it's alright. it's over now.