Crusader Part 8
Poralla felt a sense of honor wash over her, she never understood why men had the stigma that they should never cry and keep their emotions hidden.
"jasper, it's been an interesting seven months for you, what with sponsor and team pressure, obvious stigma, and adversity that only a few furs in sports history have ever faced, but i think it's all boiled down to one big question.
Jeremy; List Of Species
Mouse 3' mice gained recognition well before rats and somehow avoided the stigma they got. there's speculation that the reputation of rats originated with mice. they of course deny it as much as rats assert it.
Consortium 1-1: TD14 Chapter 5
Due to the stigma regarding what she is and the looks she usually receives she tends to prefer a more solitary outlet for food when she's eating some of her meals, picking quiet restaurants over higher quality ones.
Rendezvous Under the Moon
Broke the stigma and left everything behind?" he asked and opened his eyes just enough that the yellow slits showed. isa was taken aback by the suggestion, her hand freezing mid stroke as a life of them together a world away flashed within her mind.
Dentia's Digits
For all their stigma, she liked being a rat, even if she had enough tail to make a possum jealous. it also made it rather hard to buy clothes.
Welcome to GreenWood
"then there's the stigma attached to the babies. most of our parents generation is still hard against the interspecies thing." the three girls sat in comfortable silence for awhile. cass finished her coffee and didn't request anymore.
The Viridium Virus
It's not painful... the stigma's more painful than anything else." i nodded in understanding. "is this all you wished to talk to me about?" he asked.
Faith and Truth: Chapter Three
He compared his newfound facts back and forth with the claims of his religious heroes and, in the end, couldn't find anything severely harmful about homosexuality other than the threat of disease to the practitioners and the stigma of being gay in the first
Half sea turtle, half hermit crab, she suffered from the intersecting stigmas of fish, reptiles and hybrids alike. she needed to breathe but also to stay moist to be able to stay alive, and her sleep cycles amounted to a lifelong sleep disorder.
There She Is!!
The most caring and warm-hearted of all emotions is tainted into a stigma for the people who would otherwise give a helping hand to a stranger.
Tabitha Crane, Chapter III: Neighborhood #2 (Laïka)
The whispers still followed me everywhere, and i still had to deal with the whole giantess stigma. but i had ciaran to talk with at lunch and sit through classes with.