Passing the Torch (Act1, Book2, Chapter19)

"just promise me you'll solve that case." "i solve every case that can be solved. i have a department record for closed cases and convictions." "good man." nathan afforded reno a weak smile. "you're carrying the torch." "what?"

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Thirteen Tales 2020: The Culprits Revealed

If you have not read 2020's thirteen tales yet and want to try to solve the mystery on your own this is your warning to turn back now.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 29

There was a problem that needed to be solved, and all problems could be solved with action. he just needed to figure out what kind of action. and who to use it on.

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My Life is Super Profiles: The Great Liftramo

They partnered up to solve various crimes with liftramo not only using his ethereal shape to spy on people but his powers also to assist selena where he could.

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cynder x spyro love and lies ch.6

{spyro was slightly spooked but soon started pacing. he knew these dreams. unless he solved the riddle he wouldnt wake up. he had been knocked out for two days cold for being unable to solve a scientific equasion disguised as a joke about rocks.}

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File #13

"well... that solves that..." replied yusa, picking up his tricorder which he had dropped while covering his ears. "solves what?" asked muraco, looking over to his friend after recovering himself from the ear-splitting screech.

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Temptation 07 - Scene of the Crime

Every case i'd ever solved suddenly was because i had some freaky supernatural nose.

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Faux Fox Follies

With that mystery solved... i'm kind of hungry. wanna grab a snack before we leave?" calex asked. "eh sure..." lockely shrugged. "i'll treat you for solving the case i guess. even if you were partially responsible."

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Lunar Dust

"yes, solving problems is what i do here! for me, there's nothing that can't be solved with a little magic!" she chuckled to herself. "huh... maybe i could make that my tagline. bit of a mouthful, but..."

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The Natural Selection - Prologue

Actually, before i spill the beans, i'll try and pick your brains up off the floor for ya'; what do any o' _you_ guys and gals think is the best way to solve the housing problem we've burdened this earth wit'? go on, don't be shy."

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 29

There was a problem that needed to be solved, and all problems could be solved with action. he just needed to figure out what kind of action. and who to use it on.

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