Love's Constrictions. pt 2 breaking boundaries.
The naga did a good job of sticking to the rocks, only moving through snowdrifts when there was no choice. she tried to keep her mind on the task at hand, but couldn't keep herself from glancing back at arden every so often.
Saga of the Dark Skald - Prologue: An end, a beginning.
The stone slabs that had once been doors slammed into the snowdrifts outside with a loud whump! the sharp biting wind struck him and his company moments later like a colossal tidal wave, forcing them to scurry back inside the antechamber.
The Snowy Day
There was a small snowbank in the way but nock didn't care, his rig could take on that little snowdrift! he pressed down hard on the accelerator pedal, driving it as fast as it would go.
Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 5 - The Northern Lands
James raised his hand awkwardly against the gentle snowdrifts falling from the sky. "do you ever like, not be a tour guide?" "hahaha, hey you said you wanted a tour right?! i'm giving ya one!"
Escaping the Storm: Part 4
"you read my mind," he replied, striding achingly past a small snowdrift at the train station's entrance. "this weather doesn't help either. it'll be good to get home and into the warm." "that's one advantage of riding in here." "hey."
Degeneracy Pressure (Chapter 3)
\>lodged in the third snowdrift of the night. 56. \>the clock on the dash ticks over 11:15 p.m. as you throw it back into reverse, and try one last time to set yourself free without dragging your sorry ass back into the snow. 57.
No longer alone.
Moving quickly, she leapt at the can, aimed to land on a snowdrift, the lid rolling off but landing without any sound. with a sigh of relief, she moved to the front of the bin, and tore open the bag inside the bin in order to free the food.
Chapter 10: Trade Routes of the South
The tanoi had not bothered to clear their way and simply pushed through leaving behind a difficult pack of unevenly trodden snow buried beneath snowdrift. her ears perk up as the cart comes to a halt. shouting can be heard ahead. the lead cart is stuck.
Arvians - Reprieve
Was slated to pick up his father's mantle, and had apprenticed under tolk since he was old enough to hold a hammer, had become lost on a hunting trip the previous winter and had only been found days later where he had fallen into a hidden crevasse in the snowdrifts
Seahorse Bay - Dragonfly's Arrival
"darned thing flung half a snowdrift at me when i flew over your testin' grounds." "but you had fun dodging the snowballs, didn't you?" they asked expectantly.
Sinori's Story - Chapter One
The snowdrift wasn't necessarily a few months away.
The Wildlands: Attria (Chapter 1)
It is a wide cobblestone path covered by a tightly packed well-traveled layer of snow that in turn is covered again by a thin veil of snowdrift and fresh accumulation though in some places still yields to the cobblestone beneath.