Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 26

"even after everything, i still thought of you all as my family, but i'm just... so tired of all this. i am so, so tired of being miserable. i'm so tired of being hated... i'm tired... i'm..." _what are you really tired of, ander? tell them the truth.

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Burdens - Chapter 8: Desert

He figured he was tired. he rolled out of bed. he hoped he was not getting sick. he managed to drag himself over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. his eyes were bloodshot, but that seemed to be the only problem.

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Life by the Page 1

He was tired of martha, tired of her pulling on his heart strings, tired of her little game of cat and mouse. he was no mouse. his fluffy black tail swayed back and forth as he thought. he was starting to feel he could do better.

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Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 26

"even after everything, i still thought of you all as my family, but i'm just... so tired of all this. i am so, so tired of being miserable. i'm so tired of being hated... i'm tired... i'm..." _what are you really tired of, ander? tell them the truth.

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Burdens - Chapter 44: Muffled

He was not nauseous, just tired. he had never felt so tired before, and he was unsure why. there was something that day that physically drained him, and he could not pinpoint just what the cause was.

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Moo Moo Milk

Knowing even if he did try to get away, he couldn't get very far full of milk and tired from the day. her maw opened and turned him around so his behind were in the direction of her maw. gin was so tired and barely felt the hooves lifting him up.

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Sure, they were tired of his behaviors. he knew that.

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Writing Assinment: 5 min write, 5 min rewrite

Final: > it's almost 11:30 pm here in my beloved room and i'm tired as hell. my eyes are dried and sleepy, and looking at the laptop screen is painful.

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A Dragon's Life: Chapter 2

The nearest branch was higher than the cave and they were already tired, but he knew of no other way up.

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Maybe my mind is too tired. when i grow tired i tend to babble rubbish, jo knows that very well. rubbish as in, really, just ridiculous, nonsensical gibberish. one moment i'm in for gerrald, one moment i'm hugging jo.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 28-Heavyweight Championship

"crap", dj said in reply, "have it ready, gas, fluid tires, brakes, i'm coming in." jack grabbed the tranny fluid while team draco's pit crew readied everything else.

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You Can't Hide It Forever - Part 9

I let my tires squeal a little around the next corner to articulate her point. "speed bump!" i warned. "what?" there was a massive _b-bam_ as my suspension took the bump.

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