Sky Diving...

Short story poetry sky diving...

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Stormy sky

Enjoy it guys, you're the best^^ i sit alone and again i sigh looking out of the window at the storm and rain lightening flashes in the sky thunder rumbles like a train the cars below hiss by my window as i sit here wondering where did you go

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Blue Sky

**blue sky** _"blue skies, smiling at me. nothing but blue sky, do i see..."_ _ _ when bluerenamon slowly reopened his eyes the very first thing he noticed was just how dark it was.

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Moonlit Sky

Moonlit sky, give me a reason why.

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Outbreak to the Sky

My hair under a flawless blue sphere, the sky, the world being so small, so distant!

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Chronicles of B-man Part 3-3 Avenger

-then sky smiled broadly- " i knew you were alive!" -b-man grunted- "sky get off me already, more demons might be coming" -sky snapped out of it then helped his friend up- "what the hell was that attack?"

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Chronicles of B-man Part 3-2 Road to Hell, Through Heaven

-sky hissed- "someones coming" -said a nondescript angel sitting by a door, everyone moved to their own spots while some tried to hide sky.

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Chronicles of B-man End of part 2

-he coughed up blood- "to"

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Chronicles of B-man Part 2-6 Into Darkness

-sky and b-man jumped into their stances, a traditional kyokugenryu type. sky growled as he spoke- "this time wolf, i'm...we are going beat you down!"

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Chronicles of B-man Part 2-5 Future

-sky smirked- " yeah i bet it is. wait..." -sky stopped in mid step- "you..."-sky took on a serious tone as he looked at b-man -- "made a "chou" version of the haou shoukou-ken?"

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Chronicles of B-man Part 2-4 Fruits of Labour

The final was in corkscrew like fashion sending sky upwards into the air over thirty feet, winter cried out - "sky!"

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Chronicles of B-man Part 2-3 Omen

sky on the other hand was very serious- "you all right sky?" -the neko looked up one ear cocked up slightly- " huh? oh yeah just fine" b-man looked over at his friend- "something up?"

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