
Heathens, those that may worship umbyr or commoners they dub as sinners, they strap to the tallest spite of the temple and let lestit roast them alive for an entire day.

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Love? | Chapter 3

Does that mean i'm a sinner? am i going to burn in hell?" danny then shaked his head and slapped him self. "of course not.. god or hell probably doesn't even exist.. i might as well enjoy life. god doesn't decide who i should love or not. i should..."

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The Lycanthrope Tails. Chapter 17.

She was a sinner. frostbite was a sinner. they were the ones who should have died first. a betrayer and a coward. and here they still were, forced to live with these sins for the rest of their days. "mother-sylvan?" one of the wolves spoke up.

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The Templar Outcast

He sat for a moment before speaking, "you know some would say i hang myself proudly, to try and knock me from my rank by saying i'm a sinner.

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Between Salvation and Sin

At first glance, this did not look like a haven for sinners like me, until you noticed a rainbow flag proudly covering the inside of a wide window like some multicolored curtain.

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Elisyum: The Great Lords: Prelude

Built to keep people from entering that part of the world. many humans tried to reach the other side but were killed in the attempt by the numerous defenses that consist the wall, some believe that behind it lies a paradise and the barrier was built to keep sinners

Foxy Goes Dark

I'm scared of myself for the anger and hate; it's getting harder to remember to hate the sin but love the sinner. so i visit the ring of death and vent, like lester did.

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The Way of the Pirate: Gold for Blood

"you cannot win, sinner," the stallion declared, pressing the attack, driving jaquard back. "the advantage is mine, and god is with me!"

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 6

According to wolven law, those two crimes put together made him an even worse sinner than banno.

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Angels and Demons

"oh yes, our little boy has grown up to be quite the sinner." she replied. "why are you in my mental world?" daniel said with some mild anger. "tsk, tsk, such anger is unbecoming you know. we are, after all, your elders, and every much apart of you."

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Heaven and Hell: The Hero From Limbo Ch. 1

He doesn't like sinners? does he tell them to fuck off? does he kick a man down when he made a mistake, or lapsed in judgment, or committed what you personally believe to be an atrocity? don't kid yourself.

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The Hand of God

After all, was a bird in the hand not worth two in the clearing, their beside the stairs where, written on the wall, were the words, "were lies the strangling fruit that came from the hand of the sinner"?

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