Undead Hell Ch.3

We departed from the school and our seperate ways. in car number one was joseph and i, n ****umber two was gabe and nate, number three was hailee and jordan, number four was drew and rachel.

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Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:1 Intro...

Junior somehow got seperated from his brother. "ludwi-aaa!" junior was cut off. he ran into something. "oh my gosh!!! i`m so sorry!!! i really need to open my eyes when i listen to skrillex..." junior looks up.

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Savior Chapter 1: complex lives intertwined

I recieved no such luck the team had already packed up and were going to they're seperate homes.

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cleaning house

Above the crowded market trying his hardest to  seperate the scents of each and every fur. but no matter how hard he  tried he couldn't. a wave of dissapointment floods the young boys  heart. he thinks to him self "how long...

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Ben's Biography WIP

I figured i would make a seperate biography for my husky rather than use up the space in my main page. this is also for people to find from other places.

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Liath's Beginning.

Her domain stood seperated, divided from all else but still containted the echoes of past wars and eliminations of old. this was her utopia.

Aviation Dreams Chapter 2 - Pre Flight Checks

A couple of fields seperated the houses from the railway. tom climbed over a gate and into the grassland. grass was a new feeling on his bare feet and he curled up his toes to enjoy it.

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King K Rool: Booty Domination

He had been seperated from the rest of the kongs and was hoplessely lost. maybe this door would lead somewhere. he opened... and it turned out to be k rool's throne room. instantly diddy kong gagged on the stench.

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The Crests of Power and How They Were Discovered

In that crack was a sealing array of the likes never seen before, immediately we both knew we had caught a break so we took notes and went our seperate ways to spread the information to find out what it was.

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Ferrik Heartwood Backstory - Version 1

With elegant grace, my swords twirled from their sheathes and struck the king's jugular with deadly accuracy, just as the other sword swung upwards, neatly slicing the man into two seperate halves.

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tails and me part 4

You're making a big mistake in making tails you're boyfreind you've known eachother for 2 months and you fall in love with him unlike me who've you've know for 6 years i'm sure i'd make a better lover" louis said "i'm sorry louis but you and me live in seperate


My College Story Ch1

I said then i kissed adrian and then we all went our seperate ways. so after that class was over me and adrian had the next few hours free. "what do you want to do?"

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