My College Story Ch1
#1 of My College Story
Notice:These are my characters, only I can use them. If you wish to use them, please ask me.
Hey I'm back. I thought I'd tell you of the times a I after the last story, us in college. I know its shocking.
"First day of school again, why are we here? Our band is huge." Adrian complained
"We need other jobss other than playing music and our band is huge, locally." I said
"So," was Adrian could say because he knew I was right
"Here's a plus side, the rest of the group is going here too." I said. Then I saw girls checking out Adrian so I kissed him.
"What was that for?" he asked confused
"People were checking you out." I said jealously
"Who cares, let them." Adrian said
"You're right we are engaged, so who does care?" I said. Then the rest of the group ran into us.
"About what?" Mark asked as he met up with us
"Not our problem." Cam said
"I'll make it our prblem." Mark said
"You're lucky my bf likes you or I'd smash your face in." Adrian said
"Sorry sir." Mark said
"He just about pissed him self after that one." Adam said
"I think he might have." Alan said. Then we all laugh.
"Where you guys going?" Cam asked
"Some writing class." I said
"Some class that teaches you how to manage a website." Adrian said. Then we looked at him shocked "Its for the band." Then we got it
"What about you guys?" I asked
"No classes, till noon." Mark said
"Same here." Adam and Alan said
"Culinary arts for me." Cam said
"Cool, for those who don't class have fun for the next hour." I said then I kissed Adrian and then we all went our seperate ways. So after that class was over me and Adrian had the next few hours free.
"What do you want to do?" I asked Adrian as we layed in bed
"Shocking but I'm not in the "mood" so want to walk around campus?" he asked
"That doesn't actually sound too bad." I said. So we got up and went out side only to be stopped by someone.
"You guys new here?" he asked
"Maybe, why would that be your problem?" I asked him
"Settle down spazy. I was thinking that I've seen you around here." he said
"You may have, we have a band and we've played here once or twice, its called Jet Black." Adrian said
"Yeah, I love your music." he said then a girl came up to him
"Your drummer is really cute." she said.
"Yeah he is." I saido
"Thats him!" she said as she pointed at Adrian
"Yeah thats him, by the way my name is Michael Wolf which is weird because I'm a grey coyote, and this is my girlf friend Sara."
"Nice to meet you." Adrian said
"Hey I was wandering if you could give us tour of the area?" I asked
"Yeah, but can it wait because I have to get to class?" Michael said
"Yeah, thats cool with me." I said
"Cool, here's my number if you ever need anything. Is the big guy always this quite?" Michael asked
"Not usually, thanks heres my number." I said. Adrian looked a bit annoyed. I elbowed him. Michael left dragging his girl friend who couldn't take her eyes off Adrian.
The End
Old friends, and a few new ones. What will our little group get into at college? Read to find out.