The biggest misstake
Few weeks of our brake up i have broken cried and wanted to die :c we have never been so unhappy but we are trying to get him back, and we will do next to any thing to help this any thing to mend his heart and show him how sorry we are, to wash away the fear
Problems of a Distraught Cub - Week One: Monday (Morning)
**Monday Morning** They woke me up really early in the morning, the sun just barely coming up. I hadn't gotten any sleep the night before, because I was too restless to be able to sleep at all. Plus the night terrors that haunt my dreams nearly every...
Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter Two
Not afraid, i like the warm water" said biro art dropped his friend closer to the water.
I Do Not Fear A Season Without Hope
Awake with fear, washing fear, dressing fear, breaking my fast with fear, reading of fear and hearing of it every long, long hour before i go to bed with fear again. i do not fear the man i must become to survive any season without hope.
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Thirty Two
She was still afraid, but the fear no longer seemed to be coming from the monster itself. "kill them!" the thing that had been mortoph screamed. "kill them all!"
What are you afraid of? what are you scared of? what do you wish never to happen? what do you wish did not happen? fear of being not enough, fear of being left out, fear of being too much, fear of being not ready?
There Is Emotion - Chapter One
That happens all the time... and it scares me so much... "yeah... at least it's over..." i shouldn't be scared... i shouldn't... but i can't stop myself from being scared about that...
Re: Speech 4. Fear Of Dying
And we fear things we can't understand. there is just one fear that has been living for thousands of years, a fear that just cannot be crushed, a fear we could never understand, is the fear of death. there is no possible way of stopping it.
I Hate Titles
fear of danger, fear of injury or death, fear of the unknown, perhaps even fear of fear. they take their fear, grasp the reins, and take control. even still, these are nonetheless predictable and controllable fears. skydivers wear parachutes.
Izzy's Diary
I'm scared of going out there.
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Thirty Four
"the polar opposite of fear: bravery." he allowed this revelation to sink in before continuing. this time, he pointed at the mythics that were still shooting arrows and magic at the fear feeder.