Savannah Blues part 14

#15 of savannah blues savannah blues (14) by roofles "so, what's this all about?" ralph placed the hyena down pulling up a chair from him. the zebra looked over his shoulder at two guys playing pool.

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Fluffybutt Prose Poems: Cocoa

A trail of watermelon seeds stretch across the savannah as cocoa rolls along in his rind, leaving behind vines and patches, awaiting the sight of his six brethren.

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Zoids: History of Zi - Part 002

Robbed of their annual wet seasons, the savannahs of the aridian steppes quickly wilted and became barren bushlands.

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Zootopia: First Salvo part 9

"or cruise around savanna and get used to places around the school?" jackson reached into his pocket and pulled out a coin..."heads, beach...tails, savanna...."pling"....rattle, rattle, rat.....plunk. savanna." "cool!" kerdle yelped.

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Beyond the mountain range lay a long, flat savannah, but from what information raindrop had gleaned from celestia, their destination was the mountains, not the savannah. sentinel was flying in front of her, high and to the right.

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A good night sleep

A small creature ran through the darkness of the savannah. it was running fast with the same speed of a scared deer. the litle creatue divised something in the horizon a light a dot of light . that could only mean one thing people!

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Nala's Venture: The Village

Nala hadn't seen the like as savanna animals tended more towards lean and gamey and she would have wanted a taste if she had been the least bit hungry.

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Zootopia: First Strike part 11

savanna central noon november 24, 2039 naval education center, savanna sands naval base. electronics/electrician school.

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A Disney Merry Christmas

Then i compare it to living in the savannah with you and the lionesses." "really?" simba replied, "how does it compare to you?"

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Zistopia: Inner City Blues Chapter 6

In the next photo, the story of savannah comes to an abrupt end. the 'money shot', he calls it. the next six photos must have been taken in quick succession, most likely over a fifteen second period.

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Grand Majesty

Bueno ah mr.lion i see you sitting there so majestic and powerful and yet also very rare you have those sharp fangs and lay on your rocky throne a savannah is your typical place to roam though the zoo is also a place that can hold you as well 

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Sunlight Tiger's Battle

A salty smell wafts upward as all kinds of birds fill the savannah of the sky, waiting to feast on the spoils of war. a beautiful new beginning, mixed with an unavoidable end.
