Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 14
His pupils burned a furious orange. eve felt powerful warmth flooding through his mouth. he closed his eyes, for his mind was screaming for it to be so.
The Rebels of Gaia References
He is 6'2 has a very buff body type with a very big chest, he is 18 years old and weighs around 190 pounds he has blue triangle shaped pupils. he wears dark blue overalls with a black undershirt and black boots with black glasses.
U.C.O.D. Scorn of The Lost: Chapter 12
Dameon kneeled motionlessly; his pupils were inside his skull. even the usual jumps from his clockwork systems had gone from him. he was hibernating in his emotions.
An Era of Chivalry 12 - The End Of An Era
It wasn't because the raptor had been slacking in his regimen, indeed he had been a good pupil for the most part, excluding his arrogance.
dark gurdien chapter 1.txt
But the iris was ruby red that had just been freshly cut however his left eye had a bit of history behind it, it was like a luxrays eyes all of it pure blood red and the pupil electric yellow.
Clown Mare 3
The top 50 pupils i had failed to succeed with what i want them to be as, however the search continues."
The Same Old Routine
His eyes are now almost human, showing a slightly slip pupil surrounded by a sharp blue iris.
Unrequited Lovers Ep1
She fell to one knee and grasped the right side of her head almost over her eye as she looked forward more distantly, her pupils look more like his but pulsating.
Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 10
She could see his pupils growing short and fat, transforming from the long slits of a snake into the perfectly round circles of an ordinary wolf. as she tried to make sense of this, a small spot of whiteness appeared within each one.
A Breaking of Brothers
Not that arlowe played favourites with his students; au contraire; he treated each pupil fairly with respect and care.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book II Chapter 17
Yet when he succumbed to the feeling and his pupils jumped to the far side of his eyeballs to cover as much ground as possible without turning around and raising any suspicion regarding his state of mind.
Placebo Effect
Jeff's hind paws curled in a mixture of fear, panic and confusion as his toes gripped the velvety fabric of his living room rug, his pupils constricting. _"... you!"_