New Beginning Chapter 6: A Dirty Job For a Confused Soul.

She's only trusts me and pidgeotto.\* \*where's he?\* \*she.\* railina corrected. \*she was taken away when the police took over. they knew it would be too easy for her to fly away with a message, so they took her.

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A New Life: Part 3 - A Budding Friendship

I could hear the scurrying of other nocturnal pokémon, the voice of a mother pidgeotto trying to get her children to sleep after they were woken up by a loud noise (whoops, that was probably me).

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Arrested by Tickling Torture

Seeing that she was once more within the white marble bedroom that she had been given access to for the evening by the king the buneary princess found herself leaning back into the pidgeotto stuffed pillows underneath her fuzzy head.

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Watcher of Arceus - The World of Arceus Side Stories 9, Norva 5

They clearly didn't mind either and ever since norva become something of a local celebrity with her ability to hit pidgeotto and kingler from fifty feet away accurately, they occasionally even sent him reminders about his invitation and that he was allowed

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Watcher of Arceus Chapter 7

As he watched the cars past the bus in both directions and seeing the some pigey and pidgeotto fly by. he thinks about the last few days on the boat, but is brought back from his distant thoughts as sarah keeps calling his name.

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- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 8

I was able to find a rattata and a pidgeotto for us." ruby states. aqua giggles. "well, i don't think that will be enough anymore ruby; we have an extra three mouths to feed now." ruby's ears lower. "oh yea; i forgot about sid, pearl and dad."

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Naruto Nidaime Juubi(Spanish)

Hmm parece que alguien si hiso su tarea, el ultimo que me reto vino con un pikachu y un pidgeotto a retarme" dijo brock "_sigh_ por favor no me digas que ese alguien es ash" dijo naruto con un suspiro "de hecho, me había sorprendido que conocieras a

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Rescued At Last...

I instructed as i pet a pidgeotto's head to show it i meant no harm and coaxed it to sit on my shoulder. "sounds good."

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