Pull me through the cracked ice that lay beneath my feet. Let me fall with what I created. Is it not too late to turn back? Will the cracks that spread themselves around me last to hold my mistakes? I used to have time, but I waited too long. I...
Golgo 13 and reincarnation
Companion article to: Les Animaux Confeiture I argue that cake is made from the flesh of forest creatures, as evidenced by the totally true companion story. My real name is Sam Dorper and I have been turned into cake and eaten many...
Taking a Step Back
No this not really a story, but rather a philosophy of life. in order to completly under stand something, one must remove him or herself from the situation and become the audience.
The night air was crisp and lovely, the summer sky was beautiful and lit up with stars but that was not what caught Reggie's attention. What did catch him was the moon, a perfect crescent. For years, the inquisitive wolf had wondered why on nights of...
"What is sanity?" "For I do not know that name." "Is it the raven over a corps?" "Or is it TV stars fame?" "What is sanity?" "For I do not know that name." "Is it the hat woman int really tiny shorts?" "Or is it the rich man watching a child...
The Security Guys
Hello everyone, Some time ago I had this idea for a short story about predation and the ethics behind it, a story about a buffalo and his job, a politician and his book and a dangerous city. I don't have a lot of experience writing anthropomorphic...
The Awareness of Nothing
I have done 0 writing in years and now i'm done writing my own philosophy... i don't really have a lot more to say but i believe this deeply...
Beta Decay: Rian's Essay ---Part 3
Beauregard philosophy 304-100 december 15th, 201x dr. o.
The Company "Ohm Universal" * * * From: Universal Monitoring To: Multiversal Head Subject: Rogue Agent In regards to the incident: Please excuse my excessive spam over this, but I need input on this now. It appears that one of our agents...
Shelled and Covered Life
As life's consumed by flames of desire I feel the tears crawl down my emotion Burning shells cov'ring soft interiors Been there for so long, knew not how to feel. Just like I took a venomous potion A potion that harms more than it can...
Crossing The Narrow Bridge
Oh, how the wolf wanted the tree and its beautiful fruit but he was separated from his goal by a massive canyon that might have been hundreds of feet above the ground. A drop from that altitude would ahve killed anyone and the wolf knew there was no...
Vapor Trails
The bird could see all the foolishness of air travel. Earthbound species, not blessed with wings or the ability to hover in midair were being charged for the truly wonderful experience that he and his avian brethren could enjoy for absolutely nothing....