Crossing The Narrow Bridge
Oh, how the wolf wanted the tree and its beautiful fruit but he was separated from his goal by a massive canyon that might have been hundreds of feet above the ground. A drop from that altitude would ahve killed anyone and the wolf knew there was no way he could let that happen. Oh, how the wolf wanted the tree and its beautiful fruit but he was separated from his goal by a massive canyon that might have been hundreds of feet above the ground. A drop from that altitude would have killed anyone and the wolf knew there was no way he could let that happen. It was not simply a matter of turning back- the fruit of that tree was so enticing and so fresh no mortal could ever hope to resist it.
And yet it had to be placed in such a perilous location- on the other side of this most intimidating canyon. The narrow bridge, the only accessway to that delicious fruit and the tree was shaking in the wind, and not in good repair. The knots that lined the bridge were frayed, several beams were missing, having fallen into the abyss below. How was the wolf to know whether or not the bridge would hold? For all of his physical and mental strength nothing could tell him when he might make the fatal error of stepping onto a decayed piece of the wood and falling to his doom. Yet something told him that the fruit at the other side would be well worth any price. Oh what was he to do?
"My friend, life never gives you an obstacle you cannot overcome." That was the voice of the wolf's mentor and teacher repeating through his mind many years after he had left. The spirit of the wolf's teacher, a lion who could stare into the infinity and master it, was with him on this cliff and he remembered well the teachings that he was left. He remembered how the pleasures of this world were like sunbeams in that they looked good until one tried to catch them and how important it was to be always happy even in situations. All of this he learned from that good-natured and kindly lion in black, whose grandfather who held the title of Master of the Good Name.
"I see you are in quite a predicament, young wolf. But you were always a wise student of mine and you of all the animals should know how to conquer this. Focus on the tree itself and the fruits thereof. That which made such a tree is Limitless." And upon hearing this, the wolf issued the courage to walk even as he heard the bridge creak and sway violently.
"Now what must I do next?" he asked desperate trying to avoid falling to his doom. He was now on the bridge and there was absolutely no going back now.
"At the top of the tree is its Crown and it is far beyond our mortal understanding." With that, a few more paces by the wolf, who was still very scared of the height and peril he was in.
"Then we have a fruit of Wisdom, the unbounded male spark which causes the action to take place. It is evident when you think of something novel that no one ever has before. But you cannot eat that without its feminine counterpart, one called Understanding which takes the Wisdom fruit and gives it form within your mind. And then look at the heart of the tree beside those two fruits." The wolf was staring intently, for a moment ignoring the very dangerous swaying of the bridge. "It is what we call Knowledge. It gives this tree form and is the most important part of the tree. All the elements of this tree are united at its center. For this is no ordinary work of nature but a Tree of Life meant for all of Creation to take part in, if they could only conquer the narrow bridge." Upon hearing this, the wolf was filled with more confidence and made his way to the center of the bridge.
"I am now closer to the tree than I am from the cliff but I still need some help, lion," the wolf cried out.
"There is still a long way to go, my friend. Your success is dependent on your actions. But remember the Kindness I taught for you to have in your heart to all living things. You will find it on the lower branches. It tastes sweet so as to counteract Severity, the bitter-root of judgment that must be consumed so as to make us stronger. We want Kindness more but we must still take this to maintain our discipline." Discipline would be necessary at a time like this with the bridge so close to breaking. But as the wolf began to focus on the sweetness of the tree's fruit and not on the bridge things became more calm and the wind did not blow so hard. The wolf was almost to his goal but he could not stop now. "I can reach my goal, Master Lion."
"Very good. Now focus on the branch which holds both the fruit of Kindness and the bitterness of Severity- that is Beauty. Without that one, the tree would grow too much of one fruit, and be lopsided and eventually collapse into nothingness. The contrasts will be balanced and the energy will flow forth. And then at the tree's bottom, we find two other fruits which tempt the palate- Victory and Glory."
The wolf was now two-thirds of the way there, a force other than himself carrying him on through the wind and the danger to his destination. Perhaps maybe the lion truly did know more than the wolf ever gave him credit for when he was a student.
"The purpose of "Victory" and the purpose of "Glory" is not in and of themselves but rather to assist. Partake of these fruits and you will gain an awareness of what is going around you. They are the feet of the tree, and just like any feet, they guide us. They help us to our path and lead us onward past whatever obstacle we might meet. For the obstacles to Glory will lead to Victory."
And with that, the wolf reached the end of the bridge, confident in his abilities and ever thankful for his master's help still imparting wisdom though there was nobody around the wolf at the time. But then he saw the lion which guided him onward in the flesh standing right beside the tree, previously absent.
"Do not forget the Foundation upon which the tree is built." And the wolf clawed at the ground to see many of the roots drawing forth the energy from the tree. "It is at the base of the tree we find how our concepts are brought forth into actions. You experience this aspect of the Tree of Life when you would come home and see your lovely and beautiful wife, waiting for you. You'd fall in love with her and that love was the basis of your loving family." The wolf was very hungry wanting so badly to eat from this tree of life and as he did so he realized, that the tree encompassed so much than the greenery, the fruit, and the branches but even down to the lowest point of the canyon itself. It was all a part of a Kingdom, and even though certain parts of this kingdom might be negative, the wolf was still a part of it. And eventually all parts of the Kingdom would lead back to the Crown at the top of the tree.
"Why weren't you there physically? You were guiding me on with your voice but I still never saw you until right now," the wolf said.
"Don't you understand the purpose for this? You pursued this tree for want of wisdom which is how you pursued my teachings as you were taught by me many years ago. And the bridge was perilous but you ignored the peril for the deliciousness of the tree's fruit on the other side. That is how all of the animals must go. You did exactly as I instructed to earn this most wonderful of treasures," the lion said as they both ate more of the fruit.
"But know this- life is a very narrow bridge but the most important thing is to not be afraid."