The Redeem: Isaac's Prologue

His pale blue eyes looked into mine, and i held his gaze. i wanted him to see my pain. slowly, his tight grip on me was loosened, and i pulled away.

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Cerise Saltfoam - Clean Biography

Appearance: cerise's fur is a rich blond colour, paling to a light tan on her wrists and ankles, darkening towards the webbed fingers and toes.

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Jack, Schuyler's Giant Killer

Toppentoes strode on, beady eyes fixed on the bright pale thing in the evening light. jack.

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Lavender Scent (Poem)

Lavender scent drifts palely into the room, as sun and moon trade places in the sky. sadness shall find nothing here but doom. for here it shall find my true love and i.

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Zero - The Story of the silent Hero – Chapter 21 - Bright Eyes

_how can the light that burned so brightly_ _suddenly burn so pale?

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Everything or Nothing chapter 6- Not home

The tattered and dirty jeans he wore along whit an equally dirty sweater did not do much to stop the cold from seeping into his pale skin.

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Purple guy (FnaF song lyrics)

_ _the metal tears me apart._ _my blood's on the floor, its gone red._ _the life's leaving my eyes, i'm surely dead._ _my skins gone cold, all purple and pale._ _now for sure, i'm gone to hell._

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Crazy Paranormal Chapter 3

The pale guy smiled at me. "i will be back, this isn't over yet pup." he looked at ren and then back at me, "as for you my queen, i will turn you into one of us in thirty-one days." with that he disappeared.

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Seventeen

My body was still pale from the fever i'd caught, but i felt better now than i had before. swinging my feet over the edge of the bed, i braced myself with my hands on the mattress and stood up.

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Flamefeathers - The Scepter

The probably thought of the pale skinned angel as an exotic treat to be savored every chance they could.

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Pretty Stories for Ugly Children #3

She leans out of the car and retches violently pale can't breathe.

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Song of Destruction

He lay there, pale, with a splinter of wood the size of my hand protruding from his chest, very near his heart. in a few steps i was by his side. "sir..." began the young man that was leaning over him.

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