Part 2 A warning for Dragoune

"he is still sleeping; you could say that we 'overworked' him last night." siss said dragoune and saneira getting the idea. "so when do you find out?"

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Red Barchetta

Quality of the buses were so poor that virtually no one used them- they were liable to break down on the roads and then the people riding them would break down as they realized they were halfway between point a and point b with no help, other than a squad of overworked

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A Place to Rest on the Ocean

And nature always is proven to calm the nerves of the wracked, overworked city folk like me, so i felt home here, having a place to rest on the ocean. i felt a strong tug, and wrestled whatever was on the line's end.

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Whispers of the Frostbound

Uncertainty gnawed at me as i hesitated in the doorway, my heart beating like an overworked piston. the grandeur of the castle was breathtaking, a stunning testament to centuries-old craftsmanship.

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Orbital dive

It's likely overworking and drawing extra current. it won't cause a problem for the dive, but remind me so i don't forget." "thanks, choti," tyko mused and walked over to betinda.

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Christmas with friends and family(Christmas Special)

You guys both know how he gets when he overworks himself before eating!" raymond said, talking about zakai's slight issue of fainting when overworking himself on an empty stomach. wyatt's ears flattened and he said, "oh, right, sorry."

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Mending a Lost Will Prologue - Part 1

Two hours later i was sat on the sofa, the new laptop i'd gotten from phey sitting beside me as i browsed various sites, looking for something to stimulate my overworked brain.

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"Aspirations of Eden": SFW (Male Anthro Cat TF)

Now, although this scientist was not necessarily partial to beckerman's research, he was indeed overworked.

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Cloricia "Tex" Teixeira: Growing up 6

"ugh, tex, i know you want to play more and i know you want the team to do better, but this overworking yourself attitude you got going on right now....that's not you." we were both silent for a while. i just kept my eyes on the road.

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Merlin's Revenge Chapter 16

The cool glass felt nice against his throbbing muscles of his overworked tentacles. he lay there for long minutes just letting his body rest. he'd never taxed his old human body as much as he had just tested his displacer form.

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Hope is like a shield.

Master brixis had likely never murdered anyone, except through overworking them to death, until they died, then making the corpse work off the cost of hiring a replacement, then charging the corpse rent for taking up space until it leaves.

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