Lament of the Moon: S&H - Ch 01: A Kirin's Dream in a Wolf's Tale -Ep02
#2 of Lament of the Moon: S&H
After finishing her classes for the day, Sasuga had one more thing to do at the university before going home, and that was taking over the reception desk as her part-time job. It was her job to organize the files, be guidance for students and see if any of the counselors or teachers is available. It wasn't a dream job, but it helped pay the rent. She just wished if her supervisor wasn't such an annoying loafer who loved to overwork her. The short, fat chipmunk did nothing but cram the kirin with assignments he should be doing while he slacked off in his office. But Sasuga didn't complain, much. She was supposed to finish up early that evening, but she received a ton of files that needed to be organized.
"And I want them to be filed up by the end of the day, so you can't go home until they're all finished. Understand, Ms. Temple?" the chubby rodent demandingly said as he landed the pile of files on Sasuga's desk. He was wearing a dark green suit that made him look like a penguin.
"Yes, Mr. Burns?" Sasuga replied, sighing.
"Was that a complaint sigh I just heard?" Mr. Burns crossed his eyebrows.
"No, Mr. Burns. I was just breathing. The air suddenly thinned up," Sasuga simply answered, rolling her eyes. Mr. Burns huffed at her cynical reply and turned his back, going back to his office. He even walked like a penguin with his overweight body as Sasuga watched him leave. "Man... this'll take me forever..." she whined as she looked at the high heap of papers. However, they wouldn't get arranged by themselves, so Sasuga rolled up her sleeves and was about to start working on them, when she had an unexpected visit from the university director.
"Is Mr. Burns available, Ms. Temple?" the tall, middle-aged, purple-scaled female iguana, with short brown hair and wearing a female business clothing, inquired as she stepped up to Sasuga's desk, holding a long roll of cigar between her fingers.
"Y-Yes, Mrs. Remington!" Sasuga instantly replied as she stood up, and received a sharp glare from the director, as if she'd made a mistake. "I mean... Ms. Remington," Sasuga corrected herself and the director nodded back at her. "He's in his office. Should I let him now?"
"No need. I'll surprise him. You may take your leave, Ms. Temple." The iguana waved her off and Sasuga blinked.
"Y-You mean, I can go home? But Mr. Burns..."
"Are you deaf? Yes, you are excused! Now leave before I change my mind!" The director glowered at her and then made her way to her secretary's office.
"Jeez? can she put on even more makeup?" Sasuga remarked when the director left, referring to Ms. Remington's overused makeup on her wrinkled face, making her frankly uglier than she was supposed to. She could easily snatch a role at a horror movie with that scary mug. That wasn't Sasuga's concern though, and she couldn't argue with the director's order, fortunately for her. So she happily picked up her stuff and was ready to head back home.
As she stepped out of the university building, she noticed someone waiting for her at the entrance. Upon closer look, it turned out be her feline friend, Kyle.
"Kyle? What're you doing here?" Sasuga asked with a puzzled look. He should've left hours ago.
"W-Well... I was just... waiting for you, Sas... Thought maybe I could walk you home?" Kyle answered, getting kind of nervous for some reason, his cheeks blushing a little.
"Oh, that's so sweet of you. Sure, I'd like that." Sasuga smiled at the cat's nice offer and couldn't turn him down after waiting for her all that time outside the university. They walked down the street together, but strangely, they had little to say to each other, especially from Kyle's side. Sasuga sensed his awkwardness and decided to ask him if there was something bothering him. "Are you ok, Kyle? You look sorta... phased out."
"Huh? Oh... yeah, well... I was... meaning to ask you something..." Kyle began to say, getting more nervous.
"Oh? What is it?"
"Umm... I... I was wondering... if... well... if you..." Kyle stammered, his anxiety increasing heavily and his was face hot red, having a hard time spitting it out. "Argh! Nevermind! Forgive me Sasuga, I gotta go now! My home is at the other side! I'll... I'll see you tomorrow... G'bye..." Kyle bedded her farewell all of the sudden and hastily went across the street contrary to Sasuga's. She stared in confusion at the cat's weird behavior and wondered what was wrong with him. She hoped it wasn't anything major and then continued in her way home, it was a long day and she surely needed a good rest. She finally arrived a few minutes later at her apartment's building and made her way to the elevator. She found it a little unusual that she didn't get to see Hans outside like she usually did, but she thought maybe he was busy somewhere else or something. She pressed the 3rd floor button and waited patiently as the elevator took her all the way up to her floor. With a ding, the elevator's door slid open and she walked out of it, heading directly to her apartment. But then, something caught her attention. The only apartment right next to hers had its door wide open. That apartment was supposed to be vacant. However, she'd almost forgotten all about what happened this morning and instantly remembered the new tenant that had his furniture moved in, and wondered if this was supposed to be the apartment he rented. She decided to find out by herself and slowly approached the apartment. When she moved closer to the door, she glimpsed a thick and bushy tail peering out of it and was wagging about. Sasuga's eyes blinked in surprise, as the furry tail had an awfully bright brownish-yellow color. That increased her curiosity to see who her new neighbor would be and picked up her pace, swallowing her throat quietly. Just a step away before she could face the door, and then a loud yell came out from it that startled her greatly.
"Owww!!! Stupid damn box! Ow... my poor foot..." the voice cried out and then started to whimper, and sure enough Sasuga knew it belonged to a guy. She took a peek into the open apartment and saw someone sitting down on the floor right in behind the door, holding and blowing on his injured foot that obviously got crushed under a heavy box of various things.
"Uh, excuse me... are you alright?" Sasuga spoke and took him by surprise, yelping with his fur standing up.
"Whoa! Huh? Oh! Hello there!" He quickly pulled himself together and stood up for her, giving Sasuga a full view of who it was and how he looked. He was a wolf, about a foot taller than she was, and had yellow, almost golden fur covering all over his well-built body. He wasn't over-the-top buff, but she could see that he was muscular enough for his size, especially around his strapping chest and upper body, which was covered by a black tank-top under a white unbuttoned shirt that had its sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His legs were well-shaped too, and had black pants made from a tough fabric over them. His lupine face had a calm and handsome expression on it and his furry mane rested over his strong shoulders; the optical glasses resting atop his snout and in front of his attractive green eyes added to his charming look. "You must be my new neighbor, am I right?" his manly voice spoke again, giving him a soothing demeanor. Sasuga was too into eyeing the wolf; she got a bit drifted away.
"O-Oh? Oh, yes! You're definitely right!" She finally snapped out of it and shook off the green blush on her face, and then raised her right hand for him to introduce herself. "I'm Sasuga Temple."
The golden wolf smiled and held her hand with his pawed one to shake her back, "Hazard Barzard. It's a pleasure to meet you." Sasuga couldn't help but blush again when he held her hand with his bigger hand; it felt kind of warm and rugged.
"Same here, Mr. Barzard," Sasuga replied with a welcoming smile.
"Hazard would do fine, Sasuga..." the wolf said as he looked at her keenly, causing Sasuga to flush more.
"Umm, is something wrong?" she asked when she began to feel uncomfortable at him staring at her like that.
"Oh, no, nothing at all. I was just a little surprised. You're a Kirin, right?" Hazard asked intriguingly.
"Why yes! You're straight right!" That surprised Sasuga. It was very rare for anyone to even have an idea of her type, let alone nail it down, hence, her thrill about it.
"Boy, how about that? The last time I've seen a Kirin was like... err... N-Nevermind!" the wolf quickly backed out of his words as if he didn't want to slip something out, Sasuga cocking her head in wonder at him. "Uhh, hehe, so... Sasuga, was it? You don't hear that name everyday. Isn't it Japanese?"
"Yes, it is! You have an unusual name yourself. Where are you from?"
"Um, well, I came from Verena, a city at the east coast. I... move around a lot and ended up here. Burgstein looks like a nice place, so maybe I'll settle in for a while," Hazard said as Sasuga listened in interest.
"Oh, Burgstein is great, if you don't mind the noise and the busy streets. I've been here almost all my life. If you ever need a tour around, I'll be happy to guide you." Sasuga kindly offered and made the wolf smile gladly.
"Hey, I'd love that. I feel really lucky to have such a pretty lady as my next door neighbor," Hazard flattered the beautiful female kirin and force out another blush from her scaly cheeks.
"Oh, thank you..."
"Not at all. Anyway, I don't want to keep you, and I need to get back to fix up this place."
"Oh, it's okay, I don't mind. Do you need any help?"
"Nah! I have everything under control here-Ouf!" Hazard declined and as he turned around to walk into his apartment, he tripped over the heavy box he carelessly left behind the door and dropped on the floor, face first.
"Oh my! Are you okay, Hazard!?" Sasuga gasped and checked up on the fallen wolf.
"Y-Yeah, yeah! I'm just fine!" Hazard quickly flipped back on his feet, adjusting his glasses and hiding the agonizing bump on his snout. "Uhh... Heh... maybe I'll need a little help..." he then chuckled, scratching his cheek in embarrassment. Sasuga looked at him strangely, and then couldn't help but let a giggle escape her. He sure looked clumsy falling off like that, but she somehow felt easy about this wolf and was happy to help him tidy up his apartment. Although, Hazard sure didn't seem to be an average neighbor. There was something about him she immediately sensed, but she couldn't exactly explain what it was. There was one thing she was certain about, though. This simple meeting with this golden wolf was just a start of something she could only hope to be special.
However, what Sasuga didn't know, nor did Hazard, was that their lives would never be the same after this moment, and that fate had many things in store for them. For the better or worse, only time would tell...
To be continued...