The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter1

Also flinching at his mother's harsh words, the green dragon protested, "no, mother, i merely- but promptly fell silent as the nymph interrupted and relentlessly continued, "i will not hear it!

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An introduction to Blood Sports prt 1

Fairy folk - this faction is spliced to resemble the appearance and abilities of beutiful creatures such as elves, pixies, unicorns, and nymphs. they are peace loving faction who only result to violence when they have no alternative.


Chapter 33

Thinking of the nymphs sucking him off so wetly and slowly, he smiled. how delightfully wrong he'd been. ". . . zaldon knows _everyone_," kel said eventually and shrugged. "his mother was famous because she traveled far and wide, selling these . . ."

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Reality is all We Have : Prologue, Chapter One

"i like nymphs, mermaids, and cats." "dragons and wolves." they stared at each other blankly and laughed again. an hour later when they got out they were practically best friends.

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The Search for Ka'Le (11/15)

"well there was this time before i was king that involved three gryphons, a crystal golem, two vials of nymph essence and a half a peach cobbler," pandez began to explain before he waved it off.

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Pact: Prologue part 2

Planes: underworld, where beings such as vampires and demons resided; spirit, where wraiths, poltergeists, and spectres lingered; mortal, where ghouls, trolls, and golems were from; then finally the rarest kind of mystics to find, immortal's such as fae's, nymphs

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A Spartan's Tale

Spear shafts, javelins, and arrows are spiked into the hard earth at crazy angles where they have landed, the ends sway and quiver as if curious, invisible sea nymphs are testing the depth and strength of the shanks.

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A Call from Thalia Balia, The Queen Oreamnos

Our elders often compare our species to snow nymphs. winters grow cold, and predators remain fierce, but there are always the lucky few who survive.

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On Origin's Eve

Evidently finished, she shut her eyes in a lull, conjuring the image of a napping nymph of the forest. from the way she spoke, it seemed like she wanted to stay out here.

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Chronicles of Nahia - Prologue & Part 1

Leprechauns, faeries, dryads, nymphs, sirens, mermaids and the like were in abundance in the great forests, inextricably woven into the fabric of the natural and spiritual world.

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A Thief's Trials: The World Turns

It lured and coaxed beings such as dryads, nymphs, and the old gods to come and rest beneath it. those that died were taken into the roots of the tree and became a part of it. immortality, girl, that was what the tree meant."

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Dreams which may come true...pt4

"i'll speak to the water nymphs about that." melinda said before getting up from her chair and stretching. "well boys this old woman is going home now. busy day tomorrow, so if you need me, please do call." "thanks melinda. you've been a big help."

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